
Patterning can get stuck on row n-1 and never finish

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AYAB software version: 0.99.0-rc6
Computer/OS: Intel Mac, Big Sur
Knitting machine: KH910
AYAB hardware: Interface

It's new in the rc4-rc6 timeframe, I've never seen this happen before.

All settings and prefs at default, so Infinite Repeat is unchecked
You need to actually air-knit, Simulate is different and doesn't show the issue.
Open the Triangles sample. It is 10 rows.
(Optional: set the start row to 7 for more convenient testing.)
Start on the left, remembering to pause for two seconds after crossing the turn mark.
and knit as usual for 8 rows, noticing the end-of-row sounds from the hardware's buzzer and the "ding" from computer's speakers.
Keep going for rows 9 and 10 without slowing down.

Result: Usually it will select row 10 and complete as expected. But sometimes (about half the time on Mac, rarely on Windows but it did happen) I could get it to just keep repeating row 9 without ever finishing.