
Needle's сhaos with KH-270

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When working with the KH-270, the needles do not extend according to the pattern. And with one carriage pass, the program jumps several rows.

X-sam commented

Which version of AYAB Desktop are you running? Which hardware do you have?

We tried desktop versions from 0.99rc1 to 0.99-rc6.
Hardware version is 1.4TH.

Did you start with both magnets to the left of the turn mark? If only one of them is then it will be misaligned.

We've tried different things, the results were also different but incorrect.
Please watch the video from the link in the first post.

The image you're using is 96 stitches wide, right? But you're only using about 30 needles. Did you adjust the Start-needle and Stop-needle to match the actual needles in use? I think you'd need to take the carriage all the way out to left-48 and Right-48 to make it work the way you have it set up. Though having said, I tried what I think you're doing, and got different behavior.
I also found a different issue, see #667, but not the multiple lines that you are seeing. Can you confirm that you reflashed the firmware since you installed rc6? Do you have the latest Arduino drivers?
(I'm using the interface which uses different drivers, should behave the same as the shield. And I'm on a Mac, I need to try Windows.)