Consider saving models weights/nodes to '.npy'
FedeClaudi opened this issue · 2 comments
I've notices that the models parameters that are downloaded from VoxelModelCache
are stored as .csv.gz
. Given that these are quite large files, it takes several minutes to load them when calling get_voxel_connectivity_array
An alternative would be to save them as npy.gz
. It seems that .npy is much faster to load, giving a significant performance boost. On my machine it went from taking about 5 minutes to load to taking about 30 seconds.
If you still wish to keep them as .gz
, saving/loading to .npy.gz
is as simple as:
def load_npy_from_gz(filepath):
f = gzip.GzipFile(filepath, "r")
return np.load(f)
def save_npy_to_gz(filepath, data):
f = gzip.GzipFile(filepath, "w"), data)
Hope this helps,
Sounds like you have enough of a plan here to modify the code. If you'd like to submit a PR, I can evaluate it and put in the new format.
I have not implemented this because I do not have the ability to update the saved data on the website