
Can't write/edit es_systems.cfg

BertrandHustle opened this issue · 22 comments

I installed RetroPie on my raspberry pi and it worked great, save for roms loading in 480x640 resolution. I tried to go into es_systems.cfg through WinSCP to edit it and fix the resolution problem, but every time I make an edit and save it saves a blank file. I've also tried deleting the original and moving a copy over to the .emulationstation folder, and it saves the copy as blank too. Any ideas?

Have you tried copying the file over to your local machine, editing it there, then copying it back with WinSCP (I'm not sure how reliable WinSCP's editor is)? Does it work if you edit it directly on the Pi (press F4 to close EmulationStation)?

Also might be able to fix the tiny resolution thing by either changing your TV's display mode to something like "stretch fullscreen."

I haven't tried it directly on the pi yet, mostly because it's now blank so I'd have to rewrite the whole thing. But I did try editing it on my local machine and copying it back and ran into the same issue.

See #78. Check if you have a problem with your SD card. This is pretty common on the RPI.

Got it, I'll give it a test shortly. Although I should say that I edited other files on the card just fine, it's JUST es_systems.cfg that's giving me the issue.

If that file is in an area where the card is b0rked, that is possible. You should check your permissions etc. too!

Ah, I see. The permissions for the file are 777, so that shouldn't (key word, shouldn't) be the issue. If the card's borked is it just done for completely? I'd need to get a new card?

Mine started crapping out when editing boot/config.txt, I could edit the hell out of the file, it was never changed. Then Raspbian failed to apt-get update/upgrade... I had to send the card in. Usually they have 3-5 years of warranty. Got a brand new card back some weeks later.

Yup, EXACT same thing that happened to me. Well least there's a warranty

So the tools reported the card has bad sectors?

I just meant the editing problem was the same. I just tested it and it finished the test without errors.

I should mention as well that I've wiped/reinstalled RetroPie twice on this same card, and came up with the exact same issue both times

I'm not sure where to problem is then. It might be the encoding or something. Where is the file showing as empty? In the editor started from WinSCP or on the Pi? Did you make sure ES is not running?

I haven't tried to go into the file on the Pi yet, but on startup it comes back with an error like "unable to start EmulationStation, systems not found", because the .cfg file is empty. So there's no way it could be running even if I wanted it to.

How would I go about going into the file on the Pi?

Er, editing it.

nano ~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg from the command line. Ctrl-O to save within nano, Ctrl-X to close.

I figured out the issue, just needed to expand the partition on the SD card. Now...would you happen to know where I can get a copy of the retroarch.cfg and es_systems.cfg files? They both got wiped.

Or even just the text from those files so I could copy them over, that would work.

You can re-run RetroPie-Setup, do source-based install, then only select (with the Space key) "Generate es_systems.cfg" for that.

How do I re-run the setup?

Nvm, I think I found it. This?
cd RetroPie-Setup
chmod +x
sudo ./