AltGr/opam-bundle fails not finding opam-depext

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When trying to install a bundle, it fails with:

================ Configure: getting system dependencies        ================

You may be asked for 'sudo' access to install required system dependencies
through your package system

Fatal error: exception opam: "execvpe" failed on opam-depext: No such file or directory
Fatal error: exception opam: "execvpe" failed on opam-depext: No such file or directory

Something went wrong, see log in /tmp/ounit-bundle/configure.log

with nothing useful in the log. This is reproducible with the specific bundle; have not tried it with other bundles yet.

As far as I can tell, script calls for "opam depext" which looks for opam-depext and fails to find it as only $DIR/bootstrap/bin was added to the path, while opam-depext is actually placed into/$DIR opam/default/bin. Not sure why opam does not know where to look.

AltGr commented

I would guess you are using OCaml 4.05 ?
This looks like an instance of ; there is a workaround in the soon-to-be released next opam beta.

Yes, you are right - it does seem to be that issue.

AltGr commented

This should now be solved by the newer opam versions. Thanks for reporting!