
Additional free-text field text-to-speech voice output

canoemoose opened this issue · 5 comments

So you can leave a pattern up with a spoken "you should be seeing a pattern and hearing a voice"

So turn the existing "voice" option to name. And then add another one with an audio config parameter of text?

Or would the text be displayed on the output as well?

Yeah, first option.

Allows to have some spoken text, separate from the name, that isn't shared with output on the displayed card.

This is pretty simple to do, I'm not sure I see a real use case but it's clean enough UI so I'll look at implementing this for 1.2 release.

Implemented, quite happy with it but the drawer height isn't perfect. @canoemoose Have a look at the branch dev-1.2.0 and see what you think.

I've improved the UI layout and tested this further. Closing as enhancement is on branch and will be in the next release.