Different Battery Data Implementation
bakikocabasa opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear Authors,
Thank you very much for this work. I have seen the other issues however, there were no clear information about the details of the model.
Here are my questions if you may answer:
1-Why do u multiply your current values with some constants? you had 50 Ah battery so I try to see a point however I could not understand well.
I= -(current.data)' *1.5 / 50;
2-If I use battery data for 450 V (respectively higher current values) why the simulation gives wrong values? Here are some snapshots. I updated the capacity value....
3-Are the C0, R or other formulations battery dependent? If yes, how can I find my own formulation or parameters?
Thank you
In the BBDST working condition signal builder, the current data is for battery with capacity equaling to 50Ah. But I used a battery with 1.5Ah capacity to build the equivalent circuit model. So I scaled down the current amplitude to fit the battary capacity.
I'm not clear what changes you made in your simulation that causes this output.
Yes, they are battery dependent. You need to do specific experiments to identify them, like the HPPC test I mentioned in README.