
Utility that provides an API platform for validating, querying and managing BOM data

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This utility is designed to be an API platform used primarily to validate CycloneDX or SPDX SBOMs (encoded in JSON format) against versioned JSON schemas as published by their respective organizations.

More importantly, the utility enables validation of SBOMs against derivative, "customized" schemas that can be used to enforce further data requirements not captured in the "base" schemas (e.g., industry or company-specific schemas).

Specifically, the utility is able to parse standardized SBOMs (produced by your favorite tooling), find its declared format (e.g., SPDX, CycloneDX) and version (e.g., "2.2", "1.4", etc.) and then validate it against the corresponding JSON schemas which are built into the utility (use the schema command for supported schemas).

In addition, the validate command can also use "customized" variants of the standard JSON schemas using the --variant command which can be added to the configuration file. The command also supports validation against "explicit" schemas, perhaps to test an SBOM against a newer schema version, that can be specified using the --force flag. Customized JSON schemas can also be permanently configured as named schema "variants" within the utility's configuration file (see the schema command's adding schemas section).

In the future, we envision additional kinds of SBOMs (e.g., Hardware, Machine Learning (ML), Function-as-a-Service (Serverless), etc.) with each again having different data requirements and levels of maturity which will increase the need for domain-specific validation. Specifically, this utility intends to support the work of the OWASP Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) which is defining a BOM Maturity Model (BMM).

Functional priorities

The utility additionally prioritizes commands that help provide insight into contents of the SBOM to search for and report on missing (i.e., completeness) or specific data requirements (e.g., organization or customer-specific requirements). In general, the goal of these prioritized commands is to support data verification for many of the primary SBOM use cases as identified by the CycloneDX community (see https://cyclonedx.org/use-cases/). Functional development has focused on those use cases that verify inventory (resource identity), legal compliance (e.g., license), and security analysis (e.g., vulnerability) which are foundational to any SBOM.

Featured commands

In addition to the validate command, priority functionality is reflected in the license, resource and query commands which to be able to extract or produce formatted reports from inherent knowledge of the CycloneDX format.

The license command, for example, has many options and configurations to not only produce raw JSON output of license data, but also produce summarized reports in many human-readable formats (e.g., text, csv, markdown). Furthermore, the license command is able to apply configurable "usage policies" for the licenses identified in the reports.

The resource command is designed to better understand what resources are being referenced as part of the SBOM's inventory and/or dependency graph with the ability to filter by common, required fields such as name, version and bom-ref using regular expressions (regex).

The query command functionality is geared towards an SBOM format-aware (CycloneDX-only for now), SQL-style query that could be used to generate customized reports/views into the SBOM data for any use case when other resource-specific commands are not provided or fall short.

Further commands and reports are planned that prioritize use cases that enable greater insight and analysis of the legal, security and compliance data captured in the SBOM such as vulnerability (VEX) information and resource signage (e.g., verifying resource identities by hashes or fingerprints).

Design considerations

The utility itself is written in Go to advantage the language's built-in typing enforcement and memory safe features and its ability to be compiled for a wide range of target platforms and architectures.

The utility also is designed to produce output formats (e.g., JSON) and handle exit codes consistently to make it immediately useful standalone or as part of automated Continuous Integration (CI) tool chains for downstream use or inspection.



Download and decompress the correct archive file (i.e., .tar for Unix/Linux systems and .zip for Windows) for your target system's architecture and operating system from the releases page within this repository.

The archive will contain the following files:

  • sbom-utility - binary executable
  • config.json - required schema configuration file
  • license.json - optional license policy configuration file
  • custom.json (experimental) - optional custom validation configuration file
  • LICENSE - the software license for the utility (i.e. Apache 2)
  • sbom-utility-<version>.sbom.json - the Software Bill-of-Materials for the utility


For convenience, assure that the required config.json and optional license.json and custom.json configuration files are copied to the same directory as the executable.

By default, the executable attempts to load the rall configuration files from the same path where the executable is run from. If you choose to keep them in a different directory, you will have to supply their relative locations using command flags.

MacOS - Granting executable permission

On MacOS, the utility is not a registered Apple application and may warn you that it cannot open it the first time. If so, you will need to explicitly permit the executable to be "opened" on your system acknowledging it trusted. This process is initiated from the Finder application by using ctrl-click on the executable file and agreeing using the "Open" button.


Currently, the utility supports the following commands:

Exit codes

All commands, such as validate, also return a numeric exit code (i.e., a POSIX exit code) for use in automated processing where 0 indicates success and a non-zero value indicates failure of some kind designated by the number.

For example, in bash, you can use the following command after running the utility to see the last exit code:

$ echo $?

which return one of the following exit code values:

  • 0= no error (valid)
  • 1= application error
  • 2= validation error

Quiet mode

By default, the utility outputs informational and processing text as well as any results of the command to stdout. If you wish to only see the command results (JSON) or report (tables) you can run any command in "quiet mode" by simply supplying the -q or --quiet flag.


This command is used to aggregate and summarize software, hardware and data license information included in the SBOM. It can also be used to further display license usage policies for components based upon concluded by SPDX license identifier, license family or logical license expressions.

The license command supports the following subcommands:

  • list - list or create a summarized report of licenses found in input SBOM.
  • policy - list user configured license policies by SPDX license ID and/or license family name.
Format flag

Use the --format flag on the license list or license policy subcommands to choose one of the supported output formats:

  • list: json (default), csv, md
  • list with --summary flag : txt (default), csv, md
  • policy: txt (default), csv, md
Output flag

Use the -o <filename> (or its long form --output-file) flag to send the (formatted) output to a file.

For example, output a license summary for an SBOM to a file named output.txt:

./sbom-utility license list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-license-list.json -o output.txt --summary
[INFO] Loading license policy config file: `license.json`...
[INFO] Creating output file: `output.txt`...
[INFO] Attempting to load and unmarshal file `test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-license-list.json`...
[INFO] Successfully unmarshalled data from: `test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-license-list.json`
[INFO] Determining file's SBOM format and version...
[INFO] Determined SBOM format, version (variant): `CycloneDX`, `1.3` (latest)
[INFO] Matching SBOM schema (for validation): schema/cyclonedx/1.3/bom-1.3.schema.json
[INFO] Scanning document for licenses...
[INFO] Outputting summary (`txt` format)...
[INFO] Closed output file: `output.txt`

list subcommand

This subcommand will emit a list of all licenses found in and SBOM (defaults to json format):

./sbom-utility license list -i examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json

The output will be an array of CycloneDX LicenseChoice data structures. For example, you would see licenses identified using SPDX IDs, license expressions (of SPDX IDs) or ones with "names" of licenses that do not necessarily map to a canonical SPDX ID along with the actual base64-encoded license or legal text.

For example, the sample output output below shows the types of data you will see:

        "license": {
            "id": "MIT",
            "name": "",
            "text": {
                "contentType": "",
                "encoding": "",
                "content": ""
            "url": ""
        "expression": ""
        "license": {
            "id": "",
            "name": "",
            "text": {
                "contentType": "",
                "encoding": "",
                "content": ""
            "url": ""
        "expression": "Apache-2.0 AND (MIT OR GPL-2.0-only)"
        "license": {
            "id": "",
            "name": "Apache 2",
            "text": {
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "base64",
            "url": "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt"
        "expression": ""
Summary flag

Use the --summary flag on the license list command to produce a summary report in txt (default) format as well as policy determination based upon the license.json declarations.

Summary policy column

The values for the policy column are derived from the license.json policy configuration file which the utility looks for in the execution root directory.

  • A policy of UNDEFINED indicates that license.json provided no entry that matched the declared license (id or name) in the SBOM.
Text format example (default)
./sbom-utility license list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-license-list.json --summary

Sample output:

Policy        Type        ID/Name/Expression                    Component(s)      BOM ref.                            Document location
------        ----        ------------------                    ------------      --------                            -----------------
needs-review  name        UFL                                   ACME Application  pkg:app/sample@1.0.0                metadata.component
allow         expression  Apache-2.0 AND (MIT OR BSD-2-Clause)  Library B         pkg:lib/libraryB@1.0.0              components
needs-review  id          GPL-3.0-only                          Library D         pkg:lib/libraryD@1.0.0              components
allow         id          Apache-1.0                            Library E         pkg:lib/libraryE@1.0.0              components
needs-review  name        GPL                                   Library H         pkg:lib/libraryH@1.0.0              components
allow         name        BSD                                   Library J         pkg:lib/libraryJ@1.0.0              components
allow         id          Apache-2.0                            N/A               N/A                                 metadata.licenses
allow         id          Apache-2.0                            Library A         pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0              components
allow         id          Apache-2.0                            Library F         pkg:lib/libraryF@1.0.0              components
allow         id          MIT                                   ACME Application  pkg:app/sample@1.0.0                metadata.component
allow         id          MIT                                   Library A         pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0              components
allow         name        Apache                                Library B         pkg:lib/libraryB@1.0.0              components
needs-review  id          GPL-2.0-only                          Library C         pkg:lib/libraryC@1.0.0              components
allow         name        CC-BY-NC                              Library G         pkg:lib/libraryG@1.0.0              components
needs-review  name        AGPL                                  Library J         pkg:lib/libraryJ@1.0.0              components
UNDEFINED     id          ADSL                                  Foo               service:example.com/myservices/foo  services
CSV format example
./sbom-utility license list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-license-list.json --summary --quiet --format csv

Sample output:

Policy,Type,ID/Name/Expression,Component(s),BOM ref.,Document location
allow,expression,Apache-2.0 AND (MIT OR BSD-2-Clause),Library B,pkg:lib/libraryB@1.0.0,components
needs-review,id,GPL-2.0-only,Library C,pkg:lib/libraryC@1.0.0,components
needs-review,id,GPL-3.0-only,Library D,pkg:lib/libraryD@1.0.0,components
allow,id,Apache-1.0,Library E,pkg:lib/libraryE@1.0.0,components
needs-review,name,GPL,Library H,pkg:lib/libraryH@1.0.0,components
allow,name,BSD,Library J,pkg:lib/libraryJ@1.0.0,components
allow,id,Apache-2.0,Library A,pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0,components
allow,id,Apache-2.0,Library F,pkg:lib/libraryF@1.0.0,components
allow,id,MIT,ACME Application,pkg:app/sample@1.0.0,metadata.component
allow,id,MIT,Library A,pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0,components
needs-review,name,UFL,ACME Application,pkg:app/sample@1.0.0,metadata.component
allow,name,Apache,Library B,pkg:lib/libraryB@1.0.0,components
allow,name,CC-BY-NC,Library G,pkg:lib/libraryG@1.0.0,components
needs-review,name,AGPL,Library J,pkg:lib/libraryJ@1.0.0,components

policy subcommand

To view a report listing the contents of the current policy file (i.e., license.json) which contains an encoding of known software and data licenses by SPDX ID and license family along with a configurable usage policy (i.e., "allow", "deny" or "needs-review") use:

./sbom-utility license policy

Sample output:

Policy        Family           SPDX ID               Name                  Annotations
------        ------           -------               ----                  -----------
allow         0BSD             0BSD                  BSD Zero Clause Lice  APPROVED
allow         AFL              AFL-3.0               Academic Free Licens  APPROVED
needs-review  AGPL             AGPL-3.0-or-later     Affero General Publi  NEEDS-APPROVAL
needs-review  APSL             APSL-2.0              Apple Public Source   NEEDS-APPROVAL
allow         Adobe            Adobe-2006            Adobe Systems Incorp  APPROVED
allow         Apache           Apache-2.0            Apache License 2.0    APPROVED
  • The policies the utility uses are defined in the license.json file which can be edited to add your organization's specific allow or deny-style license policies and notations.


This command allows you to perform SQL-like queries into JSON format SBOMs. Currently, the command recognizes the --select and --from as well as the --where filter.

The --from clause value is applied to the JSON document object model and can return either a singleton JSON object or an array of JSON objects as a result. This is determined by the last property value's type as declared in the schema.

The --select clause is then applied to the --from result set to only return the specified properties (names and their values).

If the result set is an array, the array entries can be reduced by applying the --where filter to ony return those entries whose specified field names match the supplied regular expression (regex).

Note: All query command results are returned as valid JSON documents. This includes a null value for empty result sets.

Query Examples

Example: Select a JSON object

In this example, only the --from clause is needed to select an object. The --select clause is omitted which is equivalent to using the "select all" wildcard character * which returns all fields and values from the object.

./sbom-utility query -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json --from metadata.component

is equivalent to using the wildcard character (which may need to be enclosed in single or double quotes depending on your shell):

./sbom-utility query -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json --select '*' --from metadata.component

Sample output:

  "name": "Example Application v10.0.4",
  "bom-ref": "pkg:oci/example.com/product/application@",
  "description": "Example's Do-It-All application",
  "externalReferences": [
      "type": "website",
      "url": "https://example.com/application"
  "hashes": [
      "alg": "SHA-1",
      "content": "1111aaaa2222cccc3333dddd4444eeee5555ffff"
  "licenses": [
      "license": {
        "id": "Apache-2.0"
Example: Select fields from JSON object

In this example, the --from clause references the singleton JSON object component found under the top-level metadata object. It then reduces the resultant JSON object to only return the name and value fields and their values as requested on the --select clause.

./sbom-utility query --select name,version --from metadata.component -i examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json

Sample output:

  "name": "juice-shop",
  "version": "11.1.2"
Example: Filter result entries with a specified value

In this example, the --where filter will be applied to a set of properties results to only include entries that match the specified regex.

./sbom-utility query -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json --from metadata.properties --where name=urn:example.com:classification

Sample output:

    "name": "urn:example.com:classification",
    "value": "This SBOM is Confidential Information. Do not distribute."

additionally, you can apply a --select clause to simply obtain the matching entry's value:

./sbom-utility query -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json --select value --from metadata.properties --where name=urn:example.com:classification
    "value": "This SBOM is Confidential Information. Do not distribute."


The resource command is geared toward inspecting various resources types and their information from SBOMs against future maturity models being developed as part of the OWASP Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS). In the SCVS model, a "resource" is the parent classification for software (components), services, Machine Learning (ML) models, data, hardware, tools and more.

Primarily, the command is used to generate lists of resources, by type, that are included in a CycloneDX SBOM by invoking resource list.

As of now, the list can be filtered by resource type which include component or service. In addition a where filter flags can be supplied to only include results where values meet supplied regex. Supported keys for the where filter include name, version, type and bom-ref (i.e., all names of columns in the actual report).

Format flag

Use the --format flag on the to choose one of the supported output formats:

  • txt (default), csv, md

Result sorting

Currently, all resource list command results are sorted by resource type then by resource name (required field).

Resource Examples

Example: list all
./sbom-utility resource list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-resource-list.json --quiet
type       name               version  bom-ref
----       ----               -------  -------
component  ACME Application   2.0.0    pkg:app/sample@1.0.0
component  Library A          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0
component  Library B          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryB@1.0.0
component  Library C          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryC@1.0.0
component  Library D          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryD@1.0.0
component  Library E          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryE@1.0.0
component  Library F          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryF@1.0.0
component  Library G          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryG@1.0.0
component  Library H          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryH@1.0.0
component  Library J          1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryJ@1.0.0
component  Library NoLicense  1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryNoLicense@1.0.0
service    Bar                         service:example.com/myservices/bar
service    Foo                         service:example.com/myservices/foo
Example: list by type service

This example uses the type flag to specific service. The other valid type is component. Future versions of CycloneDX schema will include more resource types such as "ml" (machine learning) or "tool".

./sbom-utility resource list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-resource-list.json --type service --quiet
type     name    version  bom-ref
----     ----    -------  -------
service  Bar              service:example.com/myservices/bar
service  Foo              service:example.com/myservices/foo
Example: list with name match

This example uses the where filter on the name field. In this case we supply an exact "startswith" regex. for the name filter.

./sbom-utility resource list -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-resource-list.json --where "name=Library A" --quiet
type       name       version  bom-ref
----       ----       -------  -------
component  Library A  1.0.0    pkg:lib/libraryA@1.0.0


You can verify which formats and schemas are available for validation by using the schema command:

./sbom-utility schema

Sample output:

Format     Version   Variant        File                                             Source
------     -------   -------        ----                                             ------
SPDX       SPDX-2.2  (2.2.1)        schema/spdx/2.2.1/spdx-schema.json               https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/spdx-spec/v2.2.1/schemas/spdx-schema.json
SPDX       SPDX-2.2  (latest)       schema/spdx/2.2.2/spdx-schema.json               https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/spdx-spec/v2.2.2/schemas/spdx-schema.json
SPDX       SPDX-2.3  (latest)       schema/spdx/2.3/spdx-schema.json                 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/spdx-spec/development/v2.3/schemas/spdx-schema.json
SPDX       SPDX-2.3  (development)  schema/spdx/2.3.1/spdx-schema.json               https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/spdx-spec/development/v2.3.1/schemas/spdx-schema.json
CycloneDX  1.2       (latest)       schema/cyclonedx/1.2/bom-1.2.schema.json         https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/master/schema/bom-1.2.schema.json
CycloneDX  1.2       (strict)       schema/cyclonedx/1.2/bom-1.2-strict.schema.json  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/master/schema/bom-1.2-strict.schema.json
CycloneDX  1.3       (latest)       schema/cyclonedx/1.3/bom-1.3.schema.json         https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/master/schema/bom-1.3.schema.json
CycloneDX  1.3       (strict)       schema/cyclonedx/1.3/bom-1.3-strict.schema.json  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/master/schema/bom-1.3-strict.schema.json
CycloneDX  1.4       (latest)       schema/cyclonedx/1.4/bom-1.4.schema.json         https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/master/schema/bom-1.4.schema.json
CycloneDX  1.5       (development)  schema/cyclonedx/1.5/bom-1.5-dev.schema.json     https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CycloneDX/specification/v1.5-dev/schema/bom-1.5.schema.json

Adding schemas

Entries for new or "custom" schemas can be added to the config.json file simply by adding a new entry schema entry within the pre-defined format definitions.

These new entries will tell the schema loader where to find the new schema locally, relative to the utility's executable.

Embedding schemas

If you wish to have the new schema embedded in the executable, simply add it to the project's resources subdirectory following the format and version-based directory structure.

For details see "Supporting new SBOM formats and schema versions" section.


This command will parse standardized SBOMs and validate it against its declared format and version (e.g., SPDX 2.2, CycloneDX 1.4). Custom variants of standard JSON schemas can be used for validation by supplying the --variant name as a flag. Explicit JSON schemas can be specified using the --force flag.


  • Use the schema command to list supported schemas formats, versions and variants.
  • Customized JSON schemas can also be permanently configured as named schema "variants" within the utility's configuration file.

Validation Examples

Example: Using inferred format and schema

Validating the "juice shop" SBOM (CycloneDX 1.2) example provided in this repository.

./sbom-utility validate -i examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json

Sample output:

[INFO] Loading license policy config file: `license.json`...
[INFO] Attempting to load and unmarshal file `examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json`...
[INFO] Successfully unmarshalled data from: `examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json`
[INFO] Determining file's SBOM format and version...
[INFO] Determined SBOM format, version (variant): `CycloneDX`, `1.2` (latest)
[INFO] Matching SBOM schema (for validation): schema/cyclonedx/1.2/bom-1.2.schema.json
[INFO] Loading schema `schema/cyclonedx/1.2/bom-1.2.schema.json`...
[INFO] Schema `schema/cyclonedx/1.2/bom-1.2.schema.json` loaded.
[INFO] Validating `examples/cyclonedx/BOM/juice-shop-11.1.2/bom.json`...
[INFO] SBOM valid against JSON schema: `true`

You can also verify the exit code from the validate command:

$ echo $?
0  // no error (valid)

Example: Using "custom" schema variants

The validation command will use the declared format and version found within the SBOM JSON file itself to lookup the default (latest) matching schema version (as declared inconfig.json; however, if variants of that same schema (same format and version) are declared, they can be requested via the --variant command line flag:

./sbom-utility validate -i test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json --variant custom

If you run the sample command above, you would see several "custom" schema errors resulting in an invalid SBOM determination (i.e., exit status 2):

[INFO] Loading license policy config file: `license.json`...
[INFO] Attempting to load and unmarshal file `test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json`...
[INFO] Successfully unmarshalled data from: `test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json`
[INFO] Determining file's SBOM format and version...
[INFO] Determined SBOM format, version (variant): `CycloneDX`, `1.4` (custom)
[INFO] Matching SBOM schema (for validation): schema/test/bom-1.4-custom.schema.json
[INFO] Loading schema `schema/test/bom-1.4-custom.schema.json`...
[INFO] Schema `schema/test/bom-1.4-custom.schema.json` loaded.
[INFO] Validating `test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json`...
[INFO] SBOM valid against JSON schema: `false`
[ERROR] invalid SBOM: schema errors found (test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json):
(3) Schema errors detected (use `--debug` for more details):
	1. Type: [contains], Field: [metadata.properties], Description: [At least one of the items must match]
	Failing object: [[
	    "name": "urn:example.com:disclaimer",
	    "value": "This ... (truncated)
	2. Type: [const], Field: [metadata.properties.0.value], Description: [metadata.properties.0.value does not match: "This SBOM is current as of the date it was generated and is subject to change."]
	Failing object: ["This SBOM is current as of the date it was generated."]
	3. Type: [number_all_of], Field: [metadata.properties], Description: [Must validate all the schemas (allOf)]
	Failing object: [[
	    "name": "urn:example.com:disclaimer",
	    "value": "This ... (truncated)
[INFO] document `test/custom/cdx-1-4-test-custom-metadata-property-disclaimer-invalid.json`: valid=[false]
exit status 2

Specifically, the output shows a first schema error indicating the failing JSON object; in this case, the CycloneDX property object with a name field with the value "urn:example.com:disclaimer". The second error indicates the property's value field SHOULD have had a constant value of "This SBOM is current as of the date it was generated and is subject to change." (as was required by the custom schema's regex). However, it was found to have only a partial match of "This SBOM is current as of the date it was generated.".


The utility supports the help command for the root command as well as any supported commands

For example, to list top-level (root command) help which lists the supported "Available Commands":

./sbom-utility help

A specific command-level help listing is also available. For example, you can access the help for the validate command:

./sbom-utility help validate


Contributions are welcome under the Apache 2.0 license.

TODO list

The entirety of the code contains the tag "TODO" with comments of things that are features or improvements conceived while authoring the base functionality. Most of these do not have active issues opened form them.

Feel free to "grep" for the "TODO" tag, open an issue and/or submit a draft PR.

Priority features

An ad-hoc list of featured "TODOs" geared at making the tool more accessible, extensible and useful especially around "core" commands such as validation.

  • Embedded resources Look to optionally embed a default config.json (format/schema config.), license.json (license policy config.) and custom.json (experimental, custom validation config.) files.
  • Merge command Support merge of two (both validated) SBOMs with de-duplication and configurable. Please note that some method of normalization prior to merge will be necessary.
  • Remote Schema loading Support using SBOM schema files that are remotely hosted (network accessible) from known, trusted source locations (e.g., releases of SPDX, CycloneDX specification schemas). Note that the config file has an existing url field per entry that can be used for this purpose.
  • --orderby Support ordering of query result sets by comparison of values from a specified field key.
  • license.json Document license policy configuration JSON schema structure and how to add entries relative to a CycloneDX LicenseChoice object for entries with SPDX IDs and those without.
  • license.json Add more widely-recognized licenses (both from SPDX identifier lists as well as those not recognized by the SPDX community).
  • Go libraries Replace go-prettyjson, go-multimap libraries with alternatives that produce maintained releases.




To build an executable of the utility compatible with your local computer's architecture use the build target in the project's Makefile:

cd sbom-utility/
make build

The will produce a binary named sbom-utility with version set to latest in the project's release directory.

$ ls
-rwxr-xr-x   1 Matt  staff  11501122 Jan 24 08:29 sbom-utility
$ ./sbom-utility version
Welcome to the sbom-utility! Version `latest` (sbom-utility) (darwin/arm64)

Note The binary created using make build will be for the local system's operating system and architecture (i.e., GOOS, GOARCH). This would effectively match what would be reported using the uname -s -m unix command when run on the same local system.

If you wish to build binaries for all supported combinations of GOOS and GOARCH values, use the release target (i.e., make release) which will produce named binaries of the form sbom-utility-${GOOS}-${GOARCH} under the release directory (e.g., sbom-utility-darwin-amd64).



In order to initiate the release workflow, simply go to the release page of the repository:

and click on the Draft a new release button. Follow the instructions to create a new version tag, provide an appropriate release title and description and publish the release. The GitHub release workflow will be triggered automatically.


For local development, you may choose to make a release on your machine using the Makefile directive release:

make release
ls release
total 131680
drwxr-xr-x   8 User1  staff       256 Oct 27 14:43 .
drwxr-xr-x  27 User1  staff       864 Oct 27 14:43 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 User1  staff      7121 Oct 27 14:43 config.json
-rw-r--r--   1 User1  staff      1346 Oct 27 14:43 custom.json
-rw-r--r--   1 User1  staff     62532 Oct 27 14:43 license.json
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  11336640 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-darwin-amd64
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  11146770 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-darwin-arm64
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  11495647 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-linux-amd64
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  11076025 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-linux-arm64
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  11416576 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-windows-amd64
-rwxr-xr-x   1 User1  staff  10934272 Oct 27 14:43 sbom-utility-windows-arm64
  • Please also note that the common *.json configuration files are also copied to the release directory.

to produce a release version you can set the following flags and invoke go build directly:

LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X main.Version=${VERSION} -X main.Binary=${BINARY}"
$ go build ${LDFLAGS} -o ${BINARY}

TODO: Update the Makefile's release target to conditionally pull the release version from environment variable values and only uses the hardcoded values as defaults when not found in the runtime build environment.

Running from source

Developers can run using the current source code in their local branch using go run main.go. For example:

go run main.go validate -i test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json

Supporting new SBOM formats and schema versions

The utility uses the config.json file to lookup supported formats and their associated versioned schemas. To add another SBOM format simply add another entry to the format array in the root of the document:

            "canonicalName": "SPDX",
            "propertyKeyFormat": "SPDXID",
            "propertyKeyVersion": "spdxVersion",
            "propertyValueFormat": "SPDXRef-DOCUMENT",
            "schemas": [

The value for propertyKeyFormat should be the exact name of key field that would appear in the JSON SBOM itself which can be used to confirm it is indeed a format match. In addition, the corresponding value to match for that key should be declared in the propertyValueFormat value.

The fields canonicalName, propertyKeyFormat, propertyKeyVersion, and propertyValueFormat are required. The format object MUST have at least one valid schema object. The schema object appears as follows:

     "version": "SPDX-2.2",
     "file": "file://schema/spdx/2.2.1/spdx-schema.json",
     "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/spdx-spec/v2.2.1/schemas/spdx-schema.json",
     "strict": false,
     "latest": true,
     "variant": ""
  • Add a copy of the JSON schema file locally in the project under the structure resources/schema/<format>/<version>/<schema filename>.
    • Note If the schema exists under the resources directory, it will automatically be embedded in in the executable binary when built using go build which includes using the project's Makefile.
  • Assure only one schema object entry for a given format and version has the value latest set to true. This latest schema will be used when the SBOM being validated does not have a clear version declared or used with the --force latest flag.
  • If you have a customized or "variant" version of a schema (with the same format and version values) you wish to use for validation (e.g., a corporateor staging version with added requirements or for testing an unreleased version), you can create an entry that has the same version as another entry, but also declare its variant name (non-empty value). This value can be supplied on the commend line with the --variant <variant name> flag to force the validator to use it instead of the default (empty variant value).


This project was developed using VSCode and can be seamlessly loaded as a project.

Debugging globals

In order to see global variables while debugging a specific configuration, you can add the "showGlobalVariables": true to it within your launch.json config. file:

            "showGlobalVariables": true,
            "name": "Test name",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "main.go",
            "args": ["validate", "-i", "test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-3-min-required.json","-t"]

or add it globally to the settings.json file:

  1. Use Command-Shift-P to open settings.json
  2. Select "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)"
  3. Add the following block at the top level:
"go.delveConfig": {
    "showGlobalVariables": true

Note: The showGlobalVariables setting was only recently disabled as the default in VSCode as a stop-gap measure due to performance (loading) problems under Windows.


SBOM test files

The built-in go test command is used to execute all functional tests that appear in *._test.go files. By default, go test executes tests within the same directory where its respective *._test.go file is located and sets that as the working directory. For example, tests in the validate_test.go file are executed from the cmd subdirectory. This is a problem as the actual test SBOM JSON test files are located relative the project root, one level higher, and would not be found. In order to correct for that, the test working directory is automatically changed for all tests within the TestMain routine found in root_test.go.

Running tests

The Makefile includes a test target for convenience which will use go test to run all tests found in all subdirectories:

$ make test

The test_cmd target will use run only the test found in the cmd package:

$ make test_cmd

Using go test

Example: running all tests in the cmd package:

go test github.com/CycloneDX/sbom-utility/cmd -v

Run in "quiet" mode to not see error test output:

go test github.com/CycloneDX/sbom-utility/cmd -v --quiet

run an individual test within the cmd package:

go test github.com/CycloneDX/sbom-utility/cmd -v -run TestCdx13MinRequiredBasic

Debugging go tests

Simply append the flags --args --trace or --args --debug to your go test command to enable trace or debug output for your designated test(s):

go test github.com/CycloneDX/sbom-utility/cmd -v --args --trace

Eliminating extraneous test output

Several tests will still output error and warning messages as designed. If these messages are distracting, you can turn them off using the --quiet flag.

go test github.com/CycloneDX/sbom-utility/cmd -v --args --quiet

Note: Always use the --args flag of go test as this will assure non-conflict with built-in flags.



CycloneDX use cases


Software-Bill-of-Materials (SBOM)