
Add sprites for room background for prototype

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  • Joonas will make the background sprites
  • Sprites needed:
    • Empty room with 4 walls and doors on all sides, 3 doors, 2 doors variations
    • Kitchen appliances (coffee machine, water refiller, fridge, sink, counters, tables, chairs)
    • Cubicle desk with computer + chair
    • Open concept desk with chair
    • Sofa, couches/comfortable chairs for reception area + coffee tables + counters
    • CEO, VP, Manager office stuff (a bit more expensive looking than regular desks)
    • Corporate Ladder
    • generic VP (idle, walk, attacks)
    • fat guy? + animations
    • manager + animations
    • CEO + animations
    • Kopi
    • Red bull
    • Hamburger
    • Large fists in different directions (up, down, right, left)
    • Punching gloves in all directions
    • Plants if possible, carpets, bookshelf
    • blackboard with instructions on how to play (to be put in tutorial/starting room)
    • dummy (no animations, just idle) - used in tutorial
  • Mark will add them to the game once done