
Update release-deploy process

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A release routine must be setup to deploy updates to TT02/Prod environment. As of now, the release routine for Team Authorisasjon is TT02 on tuesdays and prod on wednesdays.

Container Application
A github release will be created every wednesday at 00:00. The release will have a naming format [year].[month].[day]. A github package registry will be tagged on every wednesday for container app. The package will have a release version in the format [year].[month].[day] f.ex 2024.3.18. The package will be deployed to TT02 on wednesday and production deploy will wait until next tuesday.
The code will be tested for stability in TT02 for a week. The same package is then deployed to production.

Function application
A github release will be created every tuesday at 00:00. The release will have a naming format [year].[month].[day]. f.ex 2024.3.18. The function app will be deployed to TT02 on wednesday and production deploy will wait until next tuesday.


  • Setup action to schedule a release, tag image and release notes draft with version format as [year].[month].[day]
  • Setup action to deploy to tt02 after a release
  • Update action to deploy to prod after tt02 deploy

Acceptance Criteria

  • Release is created on every wednesday
  • Deploy fails when the container app is unhealthy after deploy
  • Deploy fails when the function app is unhealthy after deploy
  • Deploy awaits approval on TT02 and prod