
Setup database / persistence layer in Altinn Authentication for systemuser

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We must define the database, schema, tables, functions, and persistence layer. This will be used by API defined in #232

We will set up a test server/database in Azure during development. PostgreSQL will be used

When finalized we need to assign #360 to Altinn Core team to define in Terraform (server/database)

Additional Information

A new systemUser table will be created to support this.

Suggestion for table structure.

public guid id
public int ownedByParty // PartyId of the unit owning entity
public string title // User friendly
public string description // User friendly description of the
public dateTime created // When the system was created
public string systemType // Reference to a specific system type. "Visma Regnskap"
public string clientId // Reference to own clientID in maskinporten. TODO. Need to investigate this further
public bool IsDeleted // soft delete of system user

  • Create authentication server + authentication database. The task to the core for different environments
  • Set up db scripts for table and stored procedures
  • Make sure backup is enabled


  • Define name for database server / database. Update #360
  • Define Table and Schema for system user
  • Define functions for crud operations
  • Setup persistence layer in Altinn Authentication
  • Setup stored procedures/functions in Yuniql
  • Create persistence Mock for Altinn Authentication
  • Create Persistence Mock test data for Altinn Authentication

Acceptance Criteria

  • Tables and structures in place automatically when deployed in environments
  • All methods have a functions