
Technical analysis of migration of link services to resource register

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This analysis describes what is needed to allow for self-service of migration of link services from Altinn 2

GUI for creating a new resource based on existing service in Altinn 2


Migrate page to see status of resource and trigger migration of delegations


Step 1. Creation of Resources in Altinn Studio based on metadata from Altinn 2

By using the AvailableService API, we can get the name and title of the service together with the external service code and edition Code.

This can be used to create the initial resource information.

Step 2. Deploying Resource to Resource Registry

The next step is to deploy the APi

Step 3. Verifying Resources and integration

The service owner must validate integration with the new PDP endpoint in this step.

Step 5 Disabling service in Altinn 3

Before starting the migration of delegations, the service owner should prevent changes in the delegated rights

To do this, the service owner needs to disable the service

Step 6 Migration delegation

The next step is to migrate the delegations.

The service owner can set a time

Step 7 Removing Altinn 3 delegation data

The last step is to remove all delegations from Altinn 2

  • API to disable delegations #232
  • API to delete delegations #232

Depending tasks as part of single rights delegation

  • Single rights delegation in Altinn 3
  • Update rights overview in Altinn 2 to includes single rights from Altinn 3