
Establish new project structure and namespaces

RonnyB71 opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently we publish 3 nuget packages, but we treat them as 1 - meaning we always publish all of them to keep them in sync. We should look at the need for having 3 separate packages, and perhaps start of with one and discuss the need for multiple when the need arises.

  • Move Altinn.App.Common and Altinn.App.PlatformServices into new project Altinn.App.Core
  • Restructure files and namespaces
    • Move and group HttpClients into new namespace
    • Move ApplicationInsights setup out of Core and into Api
    • Move standard Controller registration from App/Program.cs to new service registration in Api
    • Move registration of MemoryCache from App/Program.cs to service registration in Core
    • Move registration/config of HealtCheck from App/Program.cs to service registration in Api
  • Document structure
  • ...