
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Project Overview

A software related bookmark storage application.


To create an OOP-based application with utilisation of supporting tools, methodologies and technologies that encapsulate all core modules covered during training.


Application that stores bookmarks based upon the type of resource the bookmark correlates to. The bookmark contains a name, description & url, the type has a name, all of which are editable.

Project Planning

Project Planning was done through the use of Trello, which contains wireframes, user stories, acceptance criteria and user estimates. The user stories were tagged using a variation of the MoSCoW method known as the traffic light system with Red = Must, Orange = Should & Green = Could.

The Architecture

Entity Relationship Diagram Initial

Entity Relationship Diagram Final

API Architecture

Development Technology


Test Reports

Back-End : JUnit and Mockito Front-End : Selenium

A static report was generated using Sonarqube.
Static report

A Surefire report was generated.
Surefire report

Test Coverage

User Guide


See the gif below for a demonstration on how to use the app.


The application is compatible to run on any major browser whether on desktop or mobile.

If you would like to clone and have a play around with it, please note the following:

The master branch contains selenium tests, which require a mac chrome driver (version 79) with a chrome browser (version 79) to pass the selenium tests.

If you would like to clone a version version which has the selenium tests commented out, please clone the 'master_non_selenium' branch.

Future Upgrades

  • Log-In System
  • Make URL's a clickable link
  • Incorporate a folder system
  • More user validation


I would like to give a big thank you to all the instructors at QA and also to my fellow BAE cohorts for all thier help and patience in completing this project.