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Sorry, this may be because I'm unfamiliar with apache servers. For the oath_desktop_login(), the redirect URL is What is fslogin? I don't see it anywhere in the project, and my default setup (Mac OS X) doesn't have any fslogin scripts.

I'm sorry for not being completely clear.
"fslogin" is a fake URL. It can actually be anything of your choosing.

What actually happens is:
You choose your callback URL with FamilySearch Developer Support.
You set that callback URL in the SDK.
It will redirect to FamilySearch Base/cis-web/oauth2/v3/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=FOO-BAR
Once you sign in through FamilySearch, it will redirect to SDK callback URL and fake directory?code=-ASDFJKL.
The SDK will grab the access token "code" after the ?code=, and make a request to FamilySearch Base/cis-web/oauth2/v3/token, with header of grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=FOO-BAR&code=-ASDFJKL
The SDK will then grab the access token.

Thank you for reminding me that I need to include this with the documentation.

But, yeah, I do need better documentation.