
remote_session.run_cmd("sudo -s") command stuck/waiting not processing for the next steps

hitendra002 opened this issue · 6 comments

I have this simple jumpssh code, Here I am trying to list down the available file on a remote server, which can be accessible to root user only.

from jumpssh import SSHSession

gateway_session = SSHSession('10.0.xx.xx', 'autouser', password='pwd123').open()

remote_session = gateway_session.get_remote_session('10.0.xx.yy', username="autouser", password='pwd123')
print("Exit code is:", remote_session.get_exit_code('ls'))

exit_code, output = remote_session.run_cmd("sudo -s")

print(remote_session.get_cmd_output('ls -lrt'))

print("Closing connection")


Exit code is: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/PycharmProjects/Python3/ssh/", line 19, in
exit_code, output = remote_session.run_cmd("sudo -s")
File "C:\Users\phitendra\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\jumpssh\", line 387, in run_cmd
raise exception.RunCmdError(exit_code=exit_code,
jumpssh.exception.RunCmdError: Command (sudo -s) returned exit status (-1), expected [0]: [root@EMS autoinstall]#

Process finished with exit code 1

And my code waiting here for "sudo -s" execution, and after some time thrown error, while using the MobaXterm I am able to login to root using "sudo -s" command by just type and hit enter.

Is anything I am doing wrong here? plz get me the solution

t-cas commented

Running interactive shell with sudo -s is not possible with jumpssh.
Here you have 2 possibilities:

remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ls -lrt")


remote_session.run_cmd("ls -lrt", username=“root”)

Just few comments on the rest of the code:

  • You don’t need to explicitly call open() on SSHSession object, it will be done automatically when running first command
  • Calling gateway_session.close() will automatically close any remote session using this gateway, so no need to close remote_session explicitly

@t-cas thanks for the suggestion, But it didn't work for me facing the same issue, I am unable to login to card with root priveledges.
process get in stuck at below line

exit_code, output = remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ssh autouserl@10.3.x.xx")

even i have tried with

exit_code, output = remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx**\n**")

After some times its got failed and printed as below

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/PycharmProjects/Python3/ssh/", line 23, in
exit_code, output = remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.X.XX")
File "C:\Users\phitendra\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\jumpssh\", line 387, in run_cmd
raise exception.RunCmdError(exit_code=exit_code,
jumpssh.exception.RunCmdError: Command (sudo ssh autouser@10.3.X.XX) returned exit status (-1), expected [0]: STOP!!

[autouser@POC1 ~]$

But I can see that above the last line ([autouser@POC1 ~]$) is exactly what I want to log in and it happens but unfortunately with an error.

Update on above, using continuous_output=True I can see that at the output its logged into successfully into the card which I wanted, But the problem is instead of finishing execution it is getting stuck over there and the program is terminating without executing next line of code.

remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx", continuous_output=True)

continuous output printed as


Can anyone help here what should I do to make it execute successfully?

My code sample is as below

from jumpssh import SSHSession`

gateway_session = SSHSession('10.0.xx.xx', 'autouser', password='pwd123')

remote_session = gateway_session.get_remote_session('10.0.xx.yy', username="autouser", password='pwd123')
print("Exit code is:", remote_session.get_exit_code('ls'))

remote_session.run_cmd("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx", continuous_output=True)


print("Closing connection")
t-cas commented

You cannot ssh interactively with a run_cmd("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx", ...)

Either you get a remote session (if you have permissions):

another_remote_session = remote_session..get_remote_session('10.3.x.xx', username="autouser")

Or you directly add your command after ssh (this should work in you case, according to last logs provided):

remote_session.get_cmd_output("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx ls")

thanks, the second option worked for me remote_session.get_cmd_output("sudo ssh autouser@10.3.x.xx ls")
But the problem is to run multiple commands on that card for the operation like find match file and transfer to local i.e its very tuff and challenging as I cannot get another session from a remote session

Thanks @t-cas :)

t-cas commented

Indeed it will be more challenging for you as you cannot get the extra remote session on 10.3.x.xx but not impossible ;-)
Glad I could help and good luck to you !