

  • Sign-up to Thundra Console and get your API key
  • Set your API key to thundraApiKey property under custom section in serverless.yml
  • Install Thundra Serverless framework async monitoring plugin by npm install serverless-plugin-thundra-lambda-adapters-cw
  • Deploy serverless application stack by sls deploy
  • Record created endpoints which are printed in the output of deploy:
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: blog-site
  POST - https://<api-id>
  POST - https://<api-id>{blogPostId}
  POST - https://<api-id>{blogPostId}
  DELETE - https://<api-id>{blogPostId}
  GET - https://<api-id>{blogPostId}
  GET - https://<api-id>

Note that <api-id> part of the endpoints is unique to every one and created API.


Send blog post

This is the endpoint for sending blog post which is shown as POST - https://<api-id>{blogPostId} in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is POST.
  • It gets blog post information in the request body in JSON format as shown below:
    "title": "<title of the blog post>",
    "post": "<content of the blog post>",
    "username": "<username of the person who sends blog post or author in other words>",
    "phoneNumber": "<phone number to interact over SMS about blog post acceptance status>"

Note: phoneNumber is optional.

Review blog post

This is the endpoint for reviewing blog post which is shown as POST - https://<api-id> in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is POST.
  • It gets blog post id to be reviewed as path parameter:
  • It gets reviewed blog post content in the request body in String format as shown below:
"<reviewed content of the blog post>"

Publish blog post

This is the endpoint for publishing blog post which is shown as POST - https://<api-id> in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is POST.
  • It gets blog post id to be published as path parameter:

Search blog post

This is the endpoint for searching according to given criteria in the blog posts which is shown as
GET - https://<api-id> in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is GET.
  • It gets username, keyword, start-time and end-time query parameters as search criteria.
    • username: Name of the user who sent blog post
    • keyword: Keyword must be exist in the either blog post title or context
    • start-time: Time that blog post must be sent after
    • end-time: Time that blog post must be sent before
  • Parameters are optional and at least one of them must be specified
  • It gets query parameters shown below:

Get blog post

This is the endpoint for getting blog post by id which is shown as GET - https://<api-id>{blogPostId} in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is GET.
  • It gets blog post id to be retrieved as path parameter:

Delete blog post

This is the endpoint for deleting blog post by id which is shown as DELETE - https://<api-id>{blogPostId} in the deploy output as shown in the Install section above.

  • Its HTTP method type is DELETE.
  • It gets blog post id to be deleted as path parameter:

Web Application

Blog site application is available at You can set your base URL (https://<api-id> to be used/consumed by the frontend application.