
Arma 3 Anti Cheat

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This project is no longer maintained and not finished , I do not recommend to use it anymore.


Arma 3 Anti cheat. (Developpement stopped for now , i'll probably rework this project this year) .

Admin Menu included. More infos on the readme in the Arma_AC folder.

Please configure properly your config.hpp in singleplayer before putting this in multiplayer.

Aclogger is recommanded with the anti cheat , just put it in your a3 folder (server and client)

Contact me on contact@utopiagaming.org for questions and bug report .

Don't forget to give me feedback about the efficiency of the AC .


create a description.ext file in your mission and add this code :

❗ Some conflits can happen with the mp_config.hpp if the CfgRemoteExec class already exists , to fix it just merge the content of the 2 classes in 1.

➡️ Don't forget to add your UID to the config.hpp file in admins[]

#include "ARMA_AC\config.hpp"
#include "ARMA_AC\Menu\Menus\menus.hpp"
create a init.sqf file in your mission and add this code :
#define AC_FOLDER (getText (missionConfigFile >> "ARMA_AC" >> "folder"))

if(isServer) then {
	[] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initServer.sqf");
	if(hasInterface) then {
	waitUntil {
	  !isNil "ac_fnc_log"
	[] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initClient.sqf");
   [] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initClient.sqf");

Last Changelog

  • new teleport checking method
  • cheking running scripts in the background (experimental)
  • cfgHelperMenu updated

Config File Explanation

In config.hpp you have a lot parameters , this section will help you to understand how it works and what it means. The CfgFileHelper menu in the admin menu can help you to configure all this .

folder :

  • Simply the current Arma_ac folder path (default : "ARMA_AC")

enabled :

  • Set to true to enable the anti cheat and false to disable it

debug :

  • Enable debug mode , will print informations in the chat and will disable kick/crash on the players.

display_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable or not displays checking , it's usefull for cheaters who use custom menus , don't forget to whitelist yours because all the displays are checked.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform if an unknown display has been detected ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

vehicles_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable or not vehicles checking , if the player gets in a hacked vehicle , the vehicle will be deleted.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform after the deletion ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

weaponHolder_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable or not weapons checking , if the player has bad gear on him , it will trigger this.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

variables_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable missionNamespace variables checking.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform if a unknown var has been detected ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

files_check :

  • Parameter 1 : check files on mission start.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform if a hack file ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

chat_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable or not filtering the player chat bar .
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform => "NOTHING" forced.

running_scripts_check :

  • Parameter 1 : check external scripts , experimental , give me feedback about this feature .
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform .

tp_check :

  • Parameter 1 : enable or not anti teleport check , only checking map teleport .
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform .

admins :

  • The list of admins UID , will activate the admin menu for admins . Please keep the "SP_PLAYER".
  • Admins are excluded of the anti cheat analyse process .

(class) chatCfg :

  • remove_ip
    • remove the entered ip formats in chat bar.
  • remove_url
    • remove the urls sent in the chat bar.
  • badWords
    • remove the listed bad words sent in the chat bar.

badFiles :

  • The list of files checked on the mission start , will trigger if in this list .

(class) variablesCfg :

  • (class) tags :
    • allowed :
      • allowed variales tags (example : "bis_" will allow all variables like bis_fnc_mp) .
      • if a variables has an allowed tag but not in allowed variables list , it will send a low hack risk message to the server.
    • forbidden :
      • forbidden variables tags , will automaticly crash the client if he has a bad tag.
  • (class) variables :
    • allowed
      • allowed variables list , all the variables you need in your mission , put them here . (the cfgHelperMenu can help you in this case).
      • will not send warning messages.
    • forbidden :
      • forbidden variables , will automaticly crash the client if he has a bad var.

allowedDisplays :

  • The list of allowed displays id's

allowed_Weapons :

  • The list of allowed weapons classNames

allowedVehicles :

  • The list of allowed vehicles classNames