'BayesianLogisticRegression' object has no attribute '_mask_val'
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Is this a known issue?
Cant even run fit ....
blr=BayesianLogisticRegression(n_iter=300, tol=1e-5, fit_intercept=False, verbose=True)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/skbayes/linear_models/bayes_logistic.py", line 87, in fit
y_bin[~mask] = self._mask_val
AttributeError: 'BayesianLogisticRegression' object has no attribute '_mask_val'
BayesianLogisticRegression is superclass, fit method is available in EBLogisticRegression and VBLogisticRegression, which are two different versions of BayesianLogisticRegression
VBLogisticRegresion uses Variational Bayes + Jaakola&Jordan
EBLogisticRegression uses Empirical Bayes + Laplace approximation.
Please use only algorithms listed here: https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn-bayes.
I will add further comments to BayesianLogisticRegression class to avoid confusion
Thanks :)
I was following the example here: https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn-bayes/blob/master/ipython_notebooks_tutorials/type_II_logistic/bayesian_logistic_demo.ipynb which clearly instantiates:
blr= BayesianLogisticRegression(tol_solver = 1e-5)
So maybe that should be fixed,
I am updating code for the whole package, and these are old tutorials.
I removed links to these old ipython notebooks from README but forgot to delete them (my mistake). I am working on new ipython notebooks for linear models, should update them next week.
Kind regards =)
I also deleted confusing tutorial, which used an old version of the package.
Hope this helps =)