
Unbeatable Seed (1279725)

03bgood opened this issue · 0 comments

I have my seed set to give me Ganon's Castle Boss Key once I have all 20 heart containers. I have 19/20 heart containers and I cannot find the last two heart pieces. I checked all 36 locations and none of them give me a heart piece. I think my seed is bugged up and it's unbeatable. I've also got Potsanity, Cratesanity, and Hivesanity enabled, and all freestanding items (including recovery hearts and rupees) are randomized as well. I checked all 36 locations in my spoiler log and it makes it look like I have all 36 heart pieces, yet I don't since it only shows 2/4 Heart Pieces on the "Quest Status" screen. What went wrong?