
Primary LanguageJavaScript

The News App offers a robust platform for users to stay informed with the latest news and events. Its intuitive design and real-time updates ensure an engaging experience, making it an indispensable tool for accessing timely and relevant information.


  1. The News App is built using modern JavaScript frameworks to ensure fast and reliable performance. It leverages:
  2. React for building the user interface and managing state.
  3. React Router for seamless navigation between different sections of the app.
  4. Axios for making HTTP requests to fetch news data from the server. Styled Components and CSS for designing a visually appealing and responsive UI.

*API Integration The app integrates with RESTful APIs to fetch the latest news, events, and media content. The API endpoints provide data in JSON format, which the app uses to dynamically update and render content.

Here are the quick glimpse of our News-App named "India Tv"

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