
ResNet_RS pre-trained

api5454 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, and thank you for this excellent work,
But I was wondering about the possibility of obtaining weights

If there is no way to get it, can you give some advice about training it on data ImageNet,
For your information, I have downloaded resnet50 standard weights from TF-V1 and TF-v2 and the number of layers mismatch appears,
Or this error<..
ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file containing 107 layers into a model with 139 layers.

Can I take advantage of the following checkpoints?? ,

ImageNet Checkpoints from TF.tpu.official

We release configs and checkpoints of the ResNet-RS model family trained on ImageNet in Tensorflow 1.

Model Input Size V100 Lat (s) TPU Lat (ms) Top-1 Accuracy Download
ResNet-RS-50 160x160 0.31 70 78.8 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-101 160x160 0.48 120 80.3 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-101 192x192 0.70 170 81.2 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-152 192x192 0.99 240 82.0 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-152 224x224 1.48 320 82.2 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-152 256x256 1.76 410 83.0 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-200 256x256 2.86 570 83.4 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-270 256x256 3.76 780 83.8 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-350 256x256 4.72 1100 84.0 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-350 320x320 8.48 1630 84.2 config | ckpt
ResNet-RS-420 320x320 10.16 2090 84.4 config | ckpt

Thank you and good luck to you anyway

as you can see there's a little modification on the network architecture from resnet to resnet_rs(the stem & the se_block).
so it's not possible to load the h5 file directly to this model.
but you can try to load the weights layer by layer(as the work i did in covert* scripts).
currently there's some tf version problem so i'm not able to parse the official ckpts correctly but i'm still working on.
after the work is done the convert script would be pushed :)

Thanks for your advice
I got you
Until this time we will close this..