
Can't register new list: Error-> ScribbleHub is not accessible.

Closed this issue · 1 comments


The error displayed by Amelia can be the root error of #30
However I'm not sure. That why I created another issue.

Description of the Issue

Can't register a new reading list.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

  1. Use the /register list with correct arguments.

Expected Behavior

Confirmation the list is fully registered.

Actual Behavior

Amelia send the ephemeral message:

❌ Amelia encountered a problem while trying to send: ScribbleHub is not accessible.

Debug Information

I hopelessly tried the temp patch of #28 but that didn't change anything.

The /ping command said scribblehub status is ok

ScribbleHub Status
🖋️ Author Feeds: ✅
📖 Story Feeds: Unsupported (Statement from Tony)
‼️ Inaccessible Feeds: 0 out of 100

Registering reading list now works again with the fix (move Amelia to it's original server) you send in #30. I'm waiting for the next chapter update to close the other issue.