
When you move cursor outside the browser window, the kinesis elements briefly jump forward and back (see video)

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Can someone explain this behavior and how to fix it?

I have the same issue. Is there a way to fix it?

No luck so far. Will continue to work on this project in few weeks. Will keep this thread updated if I find anything.

Hello guys, @dominik-wbz & @david-noe
I haven't worked on this project due to some personal issues. My apologies. I'll be looking at the issue and how to fix it soon. On my demo page I don't have this issue. So I might ask if you can reproduce an example if I don't succeed on finding the reason.

Hi @Aminerman, thanks for your reply. I am currently working on this page:
When moving the cursor outside the Kinesis Div. (e.g. in the navigation bar) the animation jumps.

@david-noe Indeed, I actually just noticed that the issue started to appear since 1.1.4 version. So that gives me a clue. Can you confirm that 1.1.3 works fine?

Yes :) version 1.13 works fine.

Hi @Aminerman thanks for taking the time for this. I downgraded the version to 1.13 and can also confirm that the problem is gone 🤷‍♂️

Hello guys! @dominik-wbz & @david-noe Thanks for your feedback.
Can you please test version 1.1.7 ? It should be fine now.
I'll be working on solving the other issues and add new features soon. If you have any suggestions or ideas do not hesitate.

Thanks you so much! Now it works fine :)