
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A pipeline for reducing the dimensions of single-cell RNA-seq data using neural networks.

The pipeline exists as a script, installed via a python package.

bin/scrna-nn is the main script.

Table of Contents


You can install it into a python environment by cloning this repository, and from within its root folder, executing:

pip install .

After which, scrna-nn will be in your PATH when in your python environment, and can be invoked from anywhere.


scrna-nn has subcommands. train, reduce, and retrieval are the most heavily used, and most actively developed. Other subcommands may be added/removed in the future, and some are present but not working in their current state.

The script has help documentation:

$ scrna-nn -h
usage: scrna-nn [-h] {train,reduce,visualize,retrieval,analyze} ...

Single-cell RNA-seq dimensionality reduction using neural networks

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    train               Train a scRNA-seq dimensionality reduction model.
    reduce              Use a trained model to reduce dimensions (embed)
                        scRNA-seq data.
    visualize           Visualize reduced dimension data.
    retrieval           Conduct a retrieval analysis experiment.
    analyze             Analyze data (incomplete).

There is more detailed help for each subcommand, and some subcommands have MANY options due to the experimental nature of this work.

$ scrna-nn reduce -h
usage: scrna-nn reduce [-h] [--data DATA] [--out OUT] [--save_meta]

positional arguments:
  trained_model_folder  Path to folder containing trained model.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA           Path to input data. For 'train' command, this must be
                        a folder with train/valid/test files. (default: None)
  --out OUT             Path to save output to. For training and retrieval
                        this is a folder path. (default: None)
  --save_meta           Also save the metadata that was associated with the
                        input data with the reduced data (labels for the
                        samples, accession numbers for the samples). (default:

Example Invocations

First, we can train a basic Dense (aka Multi-Layer Perceptron) network. The network is trained to classify labeled cell types in the data. Later, this saved model can be used to embed data by using the last hidden layer as a learned embedding representation.

scrna-nn train --nn=dense 1000 100 --act=tanh --opt=sgd --epochs=100 --batch_size=256 --loss_history --checkpoints=val_loss --data=data_FOLDER --out=model_FOLDER

Then we can use the model to reduce some data:

scrna-nn reduce model_FOLDER --data=data_FILE.hdf5 --out=reduced_data_FILE.hdf5

Finally, we might want to do some retrieval testing in these reduced dimensions:

scrna-nn retrieval reduced_query_data_FILE.hdf5 reduced_database_data_FILE.hdf5 --out=retrieval_test_result_FOLDER


  • In the above examples, note that some arguments are expected to be FILEs vs FOLDERs. In particular, when using the train subcommand, the script expects the argument for the --data flag to be a folder, which should contain these three files:
    • train_data.h5
    • valid_data.h5
    • test_data.h5