Official Code For Paper "Class-Adaptive Sampling Policy for Efficient Continual Learning"

Primary LanguagePython

Official Code For Paper "Class-Adaptive Sampling Policy for Efficient Continual Learning"


  • Split CIFAR10
  • Split CIFAR100
  • Split Mini-ImageNet

Data preparation

Run commands

Detailed descriptions of options can be found in general_main.py

Sample commands to run algorithms on Split-CIFAR10

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER --retrieve random --update random --mem_size 1000

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER --retrieve MIR --update random --mem_size 1000

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER --retrieve random --update GSS --mem_size 1000 --epoch 10

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER --retrieve ASER --update ASER --mem_size 1000 --n_smp_cls 9.0 --epoch 10

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent SCR --retrieve random --update random --mem_size 1000

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER_DVC --retrieve MGI --update random --mem_size 1000 --dl_weight 2.0

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent PCR --retrieve random --update random --mem_size 1000

Sample command to add CASP

python general_main.py --data cifar10 --num_tasks 5 --cl_type nc --agent ER --retrieve random --update random --mem_size 1000 --CASP True --CASP_Epoch 4

Repo Structure & Description

├──agents                       #Files for different algorithms
    ├──base.py                      #Abstract class for algorithms
    ├──exp_replay.py                #File for ER, MIR, GSS and ASER
    ├──exp_replay_dvc.py            #File for DVC
    ├──pcr.py                       #File for PCR
    ├──scr.py                       #File for SCR

├──continuum                    #Files for create the data stream objects
    ├──dataset_scripts              #Files for processing each specific dataset
        ├──dataset_base.py              #Abstract class for dataset
        ├──cifar10.py                   #File for CIFAR10
        ├──cifar100,py                  #File for CIFAR100
        ├──mini_imagenet.py             #File for Mini_ImageNet

├──models                       #Files for backbone models
    ├──resnet.py                    #Files for ResNet

├──utils                        #Files for utilities
    ├──buffer                       #Files related to buffer
        ├──aser_retrieve.py             #File for ASER retrieval
        ├──aser_update.py               #File for ASER update
        ├──aser_utils.py                #File for utilities for ASER
        ├──buffer.py                    #Abstract class for buffer
        ├──buffer_utils.py              #General utilities for all the buffer files
        ├──gss_greedy_update.py         #File for GSS update
        ├──mir_retrieve.py              #File for MIR retrieval
        ├──random_retrieve.py           #File for random retrieval
        ├──reservoir_update.py          #File for random update

    ├──name_match.py                #Match name strings to objects 
    ├──setup_elements.py            #Set up and initialize basic elements
    ├──utils.py                     #File for general utilities
    ├──loss.py                      #Contrastive loss

├──CASP.py                          #CASP codes (Our Method)
├──general_main.py                  #Detailed descriptions of options
├──loss.py                          #DVC's losses
