
One-time dump of channel transients

jvansanten opened this issue · 2 comments

@robertdstein via Slack on June 20:

Is there any way to provide a one-time dump of everything in Ampel that passed a channel? A Slack CSV Summary would be fine.

Find a way to trigger one-off summaries of everything that passed a channel.

Say the name of your SlackPublishing job is your_job_name:

from ampel.pipeline.t3.T3Job import T3Job
from ampel.pipeline.t3.T3JobConfig import T3JobConfig

job_config = T3JobConfig.load("your_job_name")
job = T3Job(job_config, propagate_logs=False)

# By overwriting the parameter 'created' and 'modified', 
# you make sure every transient is provided to the underlying tasks
job.overwrite_parameter('created', None)
job.overwrite_parameter('modified', None)

# You could check the updated job parameters using: job.get_parameters()

But caution, jobs can comprise multiple tasks. For example, the job ZTFbh publishes transients to Slack AND to the Marshall.

Done with TransientViewDumper.