
Website is not working: Giving 404 error

Vikrug2213 opened this issue · 10 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • Yes, I have searched the existing issues and none of them match my problem.

Product Variant

Cloud (

Current Behavior


Expected Behavior

Website should be open clearly

Steps To Reproduce

Open the website

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

No response

What template are you using?


Anything else?

No response

Yes, I'm facing the same issue as well.

Same issue, testing from UK

same issue

cvyl commented

Facing same issue from NL

same issue here

Hey folks, sorry for the 404.
It's quite late here, but looking into the issue right now.

cvyl commented

Hey folks, sorry for the 404. It's quite late here, but looking into the issue right now.

Could it have anything to do with your recent commit? Or is the server itself at fault?

@cvyl The server is at fault, it keeps maxing out it's specs. Running htop shows the servers have a 100% memory usage almost all day every day. I have a two server Docker Swarm setup for this, and both of them get overwhelmed with requests some times.

It's back online now 🟢

Thank you everyone for the helpful messages and emails, for bringing this to my attention.

cvyl commented

@AmruthPillai ah, thank you for clarifying!