
[Bug] Adding an OpenAI key causes right side resume panel to freeze.

gcleaves opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • Yes, I have searched the existing issues and none of them match my problem.

Product Variant

Cloud (

Current Behavior

After adding my OpenAI API key, I could no longer edit my resume properly. The right-side panel with layouts, etc. is completely frozen.

In order to unfreeze the panel, I erased all cookies and local storage and quit Chrome. This worked until I added my OpenAI AKI key again. The right side panel freezes immediately with the following error in the JS console:

27844.tabPrompt.js:2 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item')
    at eo (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:111370)
    at $r (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4290647)
    at Yn (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4299537)
    at Si (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4338108)
    at ku (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4329619)
    at Lu (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4329544)
    at gu (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4326546)
    at 7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4277925
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4447783)
    at Ko (7844.tabPrompt.js:2:4277634)

Expected Behavior

The application should work as normal after entering the OpenAI API key.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. In Settings, enter your OpenAI API key.
  2. Open an existing resume.

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


What template are you using?


Anything else?

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 14 52 22

Ah, looks like their APIs changed over time. That's annoying as they don't have version pinning on their APIs yet. Will look into this soon.