
Current CPU pre-release (v5) crashing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Using VapourSynth R59, the current CPU pre-release build crashes as soon as a frame is passed to it on my system.

Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H w/ APU

Example code:

den = dfttest2.DFTTest(clip, 0, sigma=9, sigma2=9,
                       tbsize=3, planes=[0, 1, 2])

I've tried setting backend=dfttest2.Backend.CPU, as well as instantiating CPU with different values for its opt arg. I've also tried calling it without arguments other than clip and nothing changes the fact that frames pass through the filterchain up until the point it reaches the DFTTest2 call.

Exact same code with the v4 binary and Python script works just fine

Thanks! Please check the latest build.

Latest build fixes it, works like a charm!