
Support tags

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Support tags

Tags should be supported somehow.


  • We can have multiple DataModels.
  • We want to scope by DataModel, or globally.
  • Use descriptor extensions (#65) to configure the serialized property for tags?
    • The property used for tags can be changed on the fly. How would this interact with the tag database?
      • Treat configuration differently; to get tag support, config must be applied globally to all instances, and cannot be refined per instance.
      • Implement by only considering config of rbxmk.globalDesc?
  • Instead, skip descriptor extensions. Use distinct API instead.
  • For global database, use rbxmk.tags.
    • Value is a type that matches the CollectionService API without actually being an instance.
    • Can configure tag property (default "Tags").
      • Changing this does a complete database reevaluation.
    • Can configure class used for database scoped to DataModel (default "CollectionService").
      • What happens to existing instances of previous class? The additional behavior just drops. Would have to be implemented as a condition.
    • Can produce variation that scopes each method to a particular instance. This considers only the instance and its descendants.
  • For DataModel-scoped database, match CollectionService API?
    • Would be union of Instance and above tags type.
    • Would be accessed via CollectionService instance under game. Class can be configured.
    • To support on the fly configuration of the class, this is implemented as a condition, similar to how GetService works for DataModel.
    • Selects scope by getting parent DataModel.

Tags API

  • Type name?
    • Tags
    • TagCollection
    • TagDatabase
  • Tags:WithScope(scope: Instance?): Tags
    • Return Tags that limits database to tree of scope.
    • Can scope out as well as in.
    • If scope is nil, scope is global.
    • Support multiple scopes? result is a union of each scope.
    • Ideally does not require any setup. Should be cheap to run.
  • Tags:GetTagProperty(): string
    • Gets the name of the property used to serialize tags.
  • Tags:SetTagProperty(name: string, transferMethod: Enum.TagTransferMethod = Move)
    • Sets the name of the property used to serialize tags.
    • transferMethod determines what to do with existing tag properties.
  • Tags.ScopingClass: string?
    • Gets or sets the name of the class treated as CollectionService.
    • Can be set to nil to disable.
    • Initially set to "CollectionService".
  • Reflected APIs:
    • Tags:AddTag(instance: Instance, tag: string)
      • Add tag to instance.
    • Tags:GetAllTags(): {string}
      • Get list of all tags.
    • Tags:GetTagged(tag: string): Objects
      • Get list of instances tagged with tag.
    • Tags:GetTags(instance: Instance): {string}
      • Get list of tags for instance.
    • Tags:HasTag(instance: Instance, tag: string): boolean
      • Return whether instance has tag.
    • Tags:RemoveTag(instance: Instance, tag: string)
      • Remove tag from instance.

Adds rbxmk.Enum.TagTransferMethod, which determines how SetTagProperty handles properties of the previous and next names:

Item Value Previous property Next property
None 0 Untouched Untouched
Copy 1 Untouched Set from previous
Move 2 Removed Set from previous