
This repository i am creating in order to practice my Css skills and i will also mention this in my web_development projects especially Html and Css.

Primary LanguageHTML


Hello, I’m Anand. I'm a Full Stack developer with javascript superpowers. 👀 I’m interested in web development. 🌱 I’m currently learning MERN Stack. This repository i am creating in order to practice my Css skills and i will also mention this in my web_development projects especially Html and Css.This one is not responsive so open it on Dsktop computer. project Link: https://anand3125.github.io/Flipkart_Clone/ 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on 📫 How to reach me gamil: georgian3125anand@gmail.com Linkedln :https://linkedin.com/in/georgian3125anand Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 11 54 29 PM