
Infinite loop "loading the data"

snblitz opened this issue · 10 comments

Cool tool. Just gave it a try. It seems to work fine, but looks to be in an infinite loop.
The data looks to have successfully transferred in a few minutes but for some hours now it continues to print to the screen:
--[loadData] Loading the data...
--[loadData] Loading the data...

root@mysqlrdsbridge:~/src/nmig# nodejs --version

I'm also getting this.
Out of 304761 rows, it stopped at 303318 rows. In DataLoader, signal.chunks.length is giving me 0 so it infinite looped. Can you guide me on where the data/message is sent from so I can debug further?

Here's more info:
Everything works fine except it fails on this one table, and it fails on the last chunk.
Somehow I'm getting 41.2 size_in_mb on the last chunk, where every other chunk has a normal 10 size_in_mb.
This makes fillBandwidth in DataPipeManager.ts return an empty array ... which makes it infinite loop.

Here are my last two chunks (omitted some extra fields):

    "_offset": 295920,
    "_rowsInChunk": 7398,
    "_rowsCnt": 304761,
    "_id": "41",
    "_size_in_mb": 10,
    "_processed": true
    "_offset": 303318,
    "_rowsInChunk": 7398,
    "_rowsCnt": 304761,
    "_id": "42",
    "_size_in_mb": 41.2,
    "_processed": false

I have temporary fixed this by adding the last chunk to dataChunkIndexes when all your checks failed.

    if (dataChunkIndexes.length === 0) {
      dataChunkIndexes.push(conversion._dataPool.findIndex((v) => v._processed === false));
    return dataChunkIndexes;

p.s. great tool though, I couldn't get pgloader to work but your tool worked perfectly.

I had to time to try the transfer again. All proceeded as last time eventually ending in an infinite loop:

    --[pipeData]  For now inserted: 6639 rows, 
            Total rows to insert into "kayako"."swescalationpaths": 6639
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[pipeData]  For now inserted: 150871 rows, 
            Total rows to insert into "kayako"."swbayeswords": 150871
    --[pipeData]  For now inserted: 22385 rows, 
            Total rows to insert into "kayako"."swticketlinkedtables": 22385
    --[pipeData]  For now inserted: 34735 rows, 
            Total rows to insert into "kayako"."swticketlocks": 34735
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...
    --[loadData] Loading the data...

So far as I can tell all the data transferred. There is no file nmig/logs_directory/errors-only.log

The issue seems to be fixed in a new version (4.0.0), that I've released yesterday.
Sorry, for the delay.
@snblitz and @Boshen , many thanks for your collaboration!

I ran version 4.0.0 today and it completed without the infinite loop. :)