
Plugin does not work with clangd and ccls

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It seems like micro-plugin-lsp doesn't work with clangd and ccls, i.e. none of lsp features can be triggered.
Here is part of my settings.json file with micro-plugin-lsp configuration:

"lsp.server": "cpp=clangd --log=error",
"lsp.autocompleteDetails": false,
"lsp.formatOnSave": false,
"lsp.ignoreMessages": "LS message1 to ignore|LS message 2 to ignore|...",
"lsp.ignoreTriggerCharacters": "completion,signature",
"lsp.tabcompletion": true

Hey @mrkubax10 , can you provide some code example to test the clangd / ccls ?

Not sure if I understood correctly but you can use this C++ example:

#include <iostream>

class Test{
    void test(){

int main(){
    Test test;
    test. // After pressing Ctrl+Space here completion event should be triggered but nothing happens
    return 0;

It seems the correct filetype to go into the lsp.server configuration is not "cpp" but "c++". So the correct configuration string would look like this:

"lsp.server": "c++=clangd"

or for ccls:

"lsp.server": "c++=ccls"

However, the + characters in the filetype are unexpected and lead to an issue parsing this directive. I will investigate this further.

@mrkubax10 : I created a fix for the above issue in the attached PR. Can you check if this fixes the issue on your side?

Yes, this fixes the issue