
Potential StackOverflow & Wasted CPU Cycles

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In file

These lines have a potential issue:

 var originalPrepareResponse = staticFileOptions.Value.OnPrepareResponse;
            staticFileOptions.Value.OnPrepareResponse = ctx =>

The above code essentially "monkey-patches" the OnPrepareResponse. By keeping a reference to the original & adding some extra code.

The problem with this approach is that .net core instantiates a new Middleware instance on each request. However, the options.value passed to the middleware constructor is usually a singleton (depends on the programmer).

This means the 1st request will work fine, but the 2nd request will monkey-patch the already monkey-patched method. The double-monkey-patched method still works, it just wastes cpu time running the extra code 2x. With every request this overhead gets worse until a stack overflow exception eventually happens and the app pool resets.

One potential solution would be to have the constructor to CompressedStaticFileMiddleware.cs clone the original StaticFileOptions before monkey-patching.

I believe a workaround would be to call

app.Use(async (context, next) => ...)

instead of

app.UseCompressedStaticFiles( ... )

and always instantiate a new instance of the Options parameter.

No, middleware are not recreated per request, only mvc does that with controllers.
Did you actually experience this issue or was it just a theory?

I was actually experiencing this, however I guess I was using the middleware incorrectly.

causes stack overflow:

			StaticFileOptions wwwrootStaticFileOptions = new StaticFileOptions()
				FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(_globalSettings.WWWROOT_PHYSICAL_PATH),
				RequestPath = new PathString(""),
				OnPrepareResponse = x => AddExpiresHeaders(x.Context, true)
			app.Use(async (context, next) => await new CompressedStaticFileMiddleware(request => next(), _environment, Options.Create(wwwrootStaticFileOptions), app.ApplicationServices.GetService<ILoggerFactory>()).Invoke(context));

doesn't cause stack overflow:


I'm not sure why I wasn't doing .Use instead of .UseMiddleware (or the even simpler extension method).

My mistake.

Ah, that Use pattern would recreate the middleware per request, it executes that func every request. UseMiddleware avoids this.