
Add Support for NodeMCU LUA 2.0.0

ersutton opened this issue · 3 comments

Tried to install the latest build from cloud build service here:
and your very useful tool spat the dummy. Any chance of an update to fix?

I will check it - regarding to the Changelog there are no major changes within this release which breaks nodemcu-tool.

what kind of error did you received ?

Dear ersutton,

i cannot confirm the issue - seems to work without any issues

Terminal Session

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./esptool .firmware/nodemcu-master-12-modules-2017-02-05-15-06-51-integer.bin v1.1
Running Cesanta flasher stub...
Flash params set to 0x0240
Writing 593920 @ 0x0... 593920 (100 %)
Wrote 593920 bytes at 0x0 in 51.5 seconds (92.3 kbit/s)...

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./nodemcu-tool reset
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Hard-Reset executed (100ms)

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./nodemcu-tool fsinfo
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 2.0.0 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Free Disk Space: 3184 KB | Total: 3184 KB | 0 Files
[NodeMCU] No Files found - have you created the file-system?

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./nodemcu-tool mkfs
[NodeMCU-Tool] Do you really want to format the filesystem and delete all file ? (no) yes
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 2.0.0 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Formatting the file system...this will take around ~30s
[NodeMCU] File System created | format done.

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./nodemcu-tool upload helloworld.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 2.0.0 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "helloworld.lua" >> "helloworld.lua"...
[NodeMCU-Tool] File Transfer complete!

andi@sapphire:~/Development/IoT/NodeMCU-Tool$ ./nodemcu-tool run helloworld.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 2.0.0 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Running "helloworld.lua"
[NodeMCU] >----------------------------->
Hello World!
| H |
| E |
| L |
| L |
| O |
| | |
| W |
| O |
| R |
| L |
| D |
String: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr
[NodeMCU] >----------------------------->

Sorry for wasting your time, after upgrading to the latest release our batch file works flawlessly again.