
Improving transfer speed

T-vK opened this issue · 5 comments

T-vK commented

What can we do to increase the transfer speed? I tried using baudrates of up to 460800, but it doesn't really seem to make a big difference compared to 115200. I mean it might be a little bit faster, but definitely not 4x as fast, at least for me. So I started digging in the source code a little and found some things that could (potentially?) be improved.

  • The regex that produces the chunks. This regex /.{1,232}/g creates a new chunk for every single line (unless it is longer than 232 chars then it splits the same line into even more chunks).
    Is there a good reason to do this? Why don't we just use /.{1,232}/gs instead so that we match over multiple lines, making every chunk as big as possible? Are new line characters a problem or can we just escape them? And btw is there a reason for why you choose 232 in the first place?
  • __nmtwrite. Every time we send a chunk, we introduce overhead because of the function name of __nmtwrite. Wouldn't it make sense to choose something shorter? Maybe a dynamic name that is chosen based on what is available. For instance if the variable name _ is not in use yet, we could simply use that.
    If you are transferring files that have 5000 lines of code in them then you would really save a lot of bandwidth. I mean for 5000 chunks you would introduce 5000*12=60000bytes of overhead. if the function name was only one char _() then you'd only have 5000*3=15000bytes of overhead.

Any ideas what else could be done? Maybe a lightweight compressing/decompressing mechanism?

Dear T-vK,

thanks for your recommendations.

  1. Of course, the regex is a bit weak...its better to replace it with native Nodejs Buffer to extract the chunks. i did not know that a s modifier was available in javascript yet ?!

  2. The name was chosen to avoid any kind of namespace collisions. i won't like to change this.

  3. Do you use the native base64 encoding added to one of the last releases ? it is much faster then the old hex encoding

  4. As a more elegant solution NodeMCU should use its own transfer protocol based on tcp/uart directly without invoking the lua cli interpreter (that is the real slow part).

br, Andi

the issue with the chunk size should be fixed with the following regex:

var chunks = content.match(/[\s\S]{1,232}/g) || [];
T-vK commented

The name was chosen to avoid any kind of namespace collisions. i won't like to change this.

Well, my idea was:

if a == nil then
    a = function() .....
    -- the variable does already exist
    -- start from the beginning with a different variable name

-- transfer the file

a = nil

I think it's been a while since I have updated nodemcu-tool, so I might not have the base64 encoding.

Changing the UART protocol to not invoke the cli is probably not possible, right?
Hmm, flashing over TCP would actually be pretty cool, though. I could finally flash my ESPs from Android then...

Oh and I was wrong about the s flag. It's not part of JS yet. It might make it into ES 2018 though, seeing that it's in stage 3. :)

i know your idea..but it causes to much overhead within the transfer helper function and will currently break the nodemcu tool.

please take a look at the latest NodeMCU tool version including base64 encoding (requires the encode firmware modules]

did you tried base64 based transfer yet ? in case it meet your demands i will close this issue