Unable to establish connection - timeout
jonascoenen005 opened this issue · 11 comments
I'm trying to upload init.lua file with the nodeMCU-tool with the following command:
nodemcu-tool upload --port=/dev/tty.wchusbserial1430 init.lua
I'm getting the following error:
[NodeMCU-Tool]~ Unable to establish connection
[NodeMCU-Tool]~ Timeout, no response detected - is NodeMCU online and the Lua interpreter ready ?
I already tried adding --connection-delay 50, didn't work
I tried reflashing my ESP8266, didn't work.
How can i find the issue?
Hi @jonascoenen005 ,
did you try the nodemcu terminal mode ? does it work ?
can you access your module via serial terminal ?
best regards, Andi
I have tried the nodemcu terminal mode by doing nodemcu-tool terminal --port=/dev/tty.wchusbserial1430 and it hangs.
please try a standard serial terminal program like putty, hterm, minicom
"baudrate": "115200",
"port": "/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART",
"minify": false,
"compile": false,
"keeppath": true
Have you tried setting the baud rate to 9600 or 115200? Save the above to the file .nodemcu
and try again nodemcu-tool upload init.lua
Getting same error, using firmware built online and luanode based on esp32. Tried solutions mentioned above but still not work
Sorry for the late response, but i didn't try it anymore because i'm using ArduinoIDE to write/upload my scripts. However i also had an issue with the arduinoIDE, but it went away when i made a new NodeMCU custom build from the DEV branch (https://nodemcu-build.com/) perhaps you can try that
your issue seems to be esp32 related - not esp8266 (classic nodemcu lua) - it is currently in a very experimental state. please open a new issue to discuss your problem
Hi, I saw a very similar issue on StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53624685/cant-upload-to-the-nodemcu-lua). I had a very similar (if not identical) issue, and responded there. But I am happy to summarise here:
Your port seem to indicate you are running on a Mac, as I do, and the port where my ESP8266 (Wemos D1) was connected to looks very, very similar.
I had similar issues, which seem related to the unreliable way of how Node.js and particularly nodemcu-tool are installed on Mac OS X systems. Long story short, the way I had to invoke nodemcu-tool was to "sudo" it, f.i. "sudo nodemcu-tool fsinfo".
That is not desirable. The only way I was able to get past the problems was to:
- Completely remove Node.js and start from scratch (perhaps not necessary)
- Completely remove nodemcu-tool
- Install Node.js again as per instructions
- Install nodemcu-tool but with one important addition: Include param "--unsafe-perm" as a global installation, i.e. "sudo npm install --unsafe-perm nodemcu-tool -g"
Then I was able to use --connection_delay to connect to my ESP8266.
@AndiDittrich I can confirm that this is happing on esp8266
- tested on couple modules with no luck.
the "issue" is not as simple and may not related to NodeMCU-Tool itself....it's a very generic error message which can have multiple causes depending on the hardware/serial drivers/...
therefore, i will close this issue right now - please open a custom report regarding your issue
best regards, Andi