FR: reversing the chat order to have recent chat first
thiswillbeyourgithub opened this issue · 1 comments
thiswillbeyourgithub commented
Maybe it makes more sense to change the sort order of the chats to have recent chats at the top? Users are more likely to go back to a recent chat than an old one so why make them scroll all the way? It would also make it scallable as currently if you have 1000 chats you have to scroll a long way to open the last chat you made. It is also the default UI on the official chatgpt app, and common in messaging apps (mails and sms have the recent conversation at the top)
also an optional feature suggestion not worth a separate issue and not formerly a request
Maybe allow swiping left/right on chats to delete. It's a common UI pattern that might be nice. Swiping the other way could allow pinning/favorite a chat to always appear at the top of the list (but at the bottom of the favorites), useful to manage a growing list of awesome chats without bloating the UI.AndraxDev commented
Starting from SpeakGPT 4.4 you can pin chats. Chats that has been used recently will appear as the top. Now you can slide chat right to pin/unpin it and slide chat left to delete it.