
Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT


This project aims to develop a System-on-Chip (SoC) used mainly to verify cryptographic systems that improve internet security but can also be used on any SoC. It is synergetic with several other NGI Assure-funded open-source projects - notably OpenCryptoHW (Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array cryptographic hardware) and OpenCryptoLinux. The proposed SoC will support test instruments as peripherals and use OpenCryptoHW as the System Under Test (SUT), hopefully opening the way for open-source test instrumentation operated under Linux.

This repository is a Tester SoC based on IOb-SoC.

An example System Under Test with this Tester configured is available at the IOb-SoC-SUT repository.

This system is compatible with any Unit Under Tester (UUT) as it does not impose any hardware constraints. Nonetheless, the UUT's repository must follow the set of minimum requirements presented below.


Before building the system, install the following tools:

  • GNU Bash >=5.1.16
  • GNU Make >=4.3
  • RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain =2022.06.10 (Instructions at the end of this README)
  • Python3 >=3.10.6
  • Python3-Parse >=1.19.0

Optional tools, depending on desired run strategy:

  • Icarus Verilog >=10.3
  • Verilator >=5.002
  • gtkwave >=3.3.113
  • Vivado >=2020.2
  • Quartus >=20.1

Older versions of the dependencies above may work but were not tested.

Nix environment

Instead of manually installing the dependencies above, you can use nix-shell to run IOb-SoC-Tester in a Nix environment with all dependencies available except for Vivado and Quartus.

  • Run nix-shell from the IOb-SoC-Tester root directory to install and start the environment with all the required dependencies.

UUT's Repository Minimum Requirements

The Unit Under Test (UUT) repository must contain at least the <uut_name>_setup.py file to be compatible with this Tester:

The <uut_name>_setup.py python script provides the Tester with information about the UUT, and should contain the following objects:

  • Must contain the name string variable.
  • Must contain the confs dictionary variable.
  • Must contain the ios dictionary variable.


The name variable should contain a string equal to the name of the UUT's Verilog top module.


The confs variable should be a dictionary with a similar structure to the one in the iob_soc_tester_setup.py file. This dictionary informs the Tester of the parameters available for the UUT's Verilog top module.


The ios variable should be a dictionary with a similar structure to the one in the iob_soc_tester_setup.py file. This dictionary informs the Tester of the IOs in the UUT's Verilog top module.

Clone the Tester's repository

If the UUT's repository is git based, then we suggest adding this Tester's repository as a git submodule.

To add this repository as a git submodule inside the submodules/ folder, from the UUT's repository, run:

git submodule add git@github.com:IObundle/iob-soc-tester.git submodules/TESTER
git submodule update --init --recursive

Otherwise, clone the Tester's repository to a location of your choosing with the following command:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:IObundle/iob-soc-tester.git

Configure the Tester

The Tester's setup, build and run steps are similar to the ones used in IOb-SoC. Check the README.md file of that repository for more details on the process of setup, building and running IOb-SoC-based systems.

The Tester's main configuration is stored in iob_soc_tester_setup.py python script. Most configurations in this file are similar to the ones in iob_soc_setup.py.

The only Tester-specific configurations that must be modified according to the UUT, are located inside the module_parameters dictionary variable of the iob_soc_tester_setup.py file.

When adding a new UUT, the modifications required in the module_parameters dictionary are the following:

  1. Add an entry to the extra_peripherals_dirs dictionary with the UUT's 'type' name and path to the directory containing the <uut_name>_setup.py file.
  2. Add an entry to the extra_peripherals dictionary with the UUTs instance name, 'type' name, description, and optionally Verilog parameters to pass to that instance.
  3. Add an entry to the peripheral_portmap dictionary for each IO of the UUT instance. Each entry defines where to connect the UUT IO ports. Each entry may map a single bit, selected bits, an entire port or an entire interface.

As an example, see the tester_options dictionary variable from the iob_soc_sut_setup.py script in the IOb-SoC-SUT repository. The tester_options dictionary variable of the SUT's repository overrides the default module_parameters dictionary of the Tester.

Setup, build and run the Tester along with UUT

With the UUT's minimum requirements met, the steps for setup, building and running the Tester are similar to those of IOb-SoC.

To set up the Tester, type:

make setup [<control parameters>]

<control parameters> are system configuration parameters passed in the command line, overriding those in the iob_soc_tester_setup.py file. Example control parameters are INIT_MEM=0 USE_EXTMEM=1.

To build and run the Tester in simulation, type:

make -C ../iob_soc_tester_V* sim-run [SIMULATOR=<simulator name>]

<simulator name> is the name of the simulator's Makefile segment.

To build the Tester for the FPGA, type:

make -C ../iob_soc_tester_V* fpga-build [BOARD=<board directory name>]

<board directory name> is the name of the board's run directory.

To run the Tester in the FPGA, type:

make -C ../iob_soc_tester_V* fpga-run [BOARD=<board directory name>]


The following command will clean the selected simulation, board and document directories, locally and in the remote servers:

make -C ../iob_soc_tester_V* clean

The following command will delete the build directory:

make clean


This project is funded through the NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.

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