Django REST api with JWT and bot for auto create article and users.

Primary LanguagePython

Test Task.

Create Social Network Rest Api with models User and Post.

Some information about project and bot using.

Getting Started


We have 3 model:

User Post
id (PK) :-: id (PK)
email :-: owner (FK)
first_name :-: title
last_name :-: content_preview
city :-: content
...... :-: ......

Model Like giving us infomation about how much user liked this post(multlike accepted).

owner_id (FK)
post_id (FK)


After we create 3 Django app user/post/like and describe his model next task it constract his routing. So Django rest framework simple router give use next paths and metods

URL Method Action Premission
user/ GET list admin
user/ POST create any
user/id GET retrieve auth user
user/id PUT update auth user
user/id PATCH partial_update auth user
user/id DELETE destroy auth user

for post:

URL Method Action Premission
post/ GET list any
post/ POST create auth user
post/title GET retrieve auth user
post/title PUT update auth user
post/title PATCH partial_update auth user
post/title DELETE destroy auth user

This work well for User and Post model.

  • Model using 2 view with PUT method.

  • 'like/' create instance if his not exist and add 1 to cont if instance exist. URL api/post/"title"/like

  • 'unlike/' make count-1 and desroy instance if count=0

-Authorize (JWT)

Send POST to api/user/obtain_token with walid email and password and you get token for your client side.

{email:   ,
 password:   }
{email:   ,
 token:   }


For Post/list add pagination and some field in serializer

For user/create add api_call method for verify email(emailhunter.co) and get user location(clearbit.com/enrichment)

Bot for api(Bot_Api.py)

Class Api provide as 5 methods:

  • auth # return token
  • create_post
  • create_user
  • like
  • unlike

wich makes correct request.

Class Bot read config.ini:

user_number = 3
max_post_per_user = 3
max_like_per_user = 3

and have methods and use Api class for requests

def random_or_custom_create_users(self, users=None):
    return {user:password,...} 
def obtain_tokens(self, data):
    return [token,]
def create_random_post(self, tokens):
    return {user_token:created_title,....}
def like_some_post(self,posts):
    return responce


from Bot_Api import Bot

def generate_info(self):
    bot = Bot()
    users = bot.random_or_custom_create_users()  # return email:password
    tokens = bot.obtain_tokens(users)  # return tokens
    post = bot.create_random_post(tokens)  # return title: owner_token