
User: add argument/counterargument

Andrei0872 opened this issue · 0 comments


  • content
  • for or against

After creating an argument, show a toaster which will let the user know that.

  • WYSIWYG editor
  • collect argument data on submit
  • specify whether the argument is a counterargument for another argument(could be done at the top of the page and the user will be able to choose which argument the current argument is a counterargument for)
  • endpoint for creating an argument
  • an argument should have an option Add counterargument; when that is chosen, the user should be redirected to the create argument page, where the counterargument should be already shown
  • (server): check if the argument's insertion was successful on a debate that does not exist(might need to check the affected rows count)
  • modify argument card such that the title is actually part of the body and, upon expansion, load the entire serialized editor state
  • delete the external_reference table
  • protect client route: only auth user
  • new-argument: check serialization & deserialization
  • redirect to debates if /new-argument does not have crtDebate populated
  • include debate's title when creating arg
  • handle the case where there are no args in a debate
  • display content when accordion expanded
  • endpoint for fetching an argument
  • create argument from UI
  • show a toaster that will let the user know how the action went
  • form types