
ScrollUp trigger RefreshView to Refreshing

housecode opened this issue · 2 comments

When wrapping CollectionView in example page (e.g: SideMenuPage or any example page) with Xamarin.Forms.RefreshView, IsRefreshing property value set to true.

    <CollectionView x:Name="CollectionView"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                    Margin="0, 5, 0, 0"
                <context:SideContextMenuView IsAutoCloseEnabled="true"
                                             ForceCloseCommand="{Binding ForceCloseCommand}">

Step to Reproduce:

  1. Update Xamarin.Forms to latest (
  2. Change the example and wrap the CollectionView with RefreshView
  3. Don't scroll down/up, then swipe one of displayed item
  4. Don't click any context menu
  5. Scroll up and refreshing icon appears

Affected platform:


Screen Recording:

Weird bug.

Can you reproduce this bug with XF SwipeView ?

Nope, I can't reproduce with SwipeView