TouchHandlerView Property and CommandProperty
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Hello Andrei:
I have my application proven using ExpandableView. It is not, however working in true MVVM fashion. I fail/lockup when I attempt to attach a tapGesture to a Label inside the ExpandableView. I realize you have a sample AttachTapGestureToCustomViewPage. It never actually attaches a TapGesture... :)
I have learned in my MVVM framework how to attach to expanding/collapsing view and getting the BindingContext and casting to VM type. then operating on my ViewModel in that manner from View. my group of devs wants pure mvvm so this won't work for us.
Previously I had attempted attaching a gesture to an item inside the Expandable. primary view.... no luck. the system locked up.
here are my Questions related to achieving my goal.:
Can I turn touch handling off (IsTouchToExpandEnabled) and then safely without locking system. Currently attach touchGesture is locking system?
What is TouchHandlerViewPropefrty about?
Command Property Looks inviting. However there is no CommandParameter Property
@BicycleMark so, you need to expand your view by tapping on label. Is it correct?
(here is sample how to do it: . no need it gestures)
TouchHandlerViewPropefrty allows to set "tap to expand" are (by default it's whole PrimaryView
CommandParameter - need to add)
Hello Andrei:
Thanks for your response. /AttachTapGestureToCustomViewPage.xaml actually does somethings that helped me work around my issue. My team wants me to call a command from the Gesture Recognizer. The Command is in the BindingContedxt.
Incidentally it does not actually attach an actual TapGestureRecognizer
Bind ExpandableViewCommand to your BindingContext.Command
yes... but when I attach any TapGestureRecognizer it freezes.....
excuse me I mean to say attach then tap
@BicycleMark but you needn't have to add tapGestureRecognizer...
Share you sample and explain what you want to achieve. i will check help
I will send something soon
check sample again
I showed how to do some stuff on tap