
How to use this package?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

How to use this package?

Hello everyone,

I am also developing a React Native application. The app is using React Native version 0.59 and I want to integrate live agent chat inside it. Can anybody let me know how can I achieve the desired functionality? I did check the tutorial for integration of react native live agent chat into mobile app but it needs the application to be created from beginning, but I already have my React Native app up and running. Also, it's live in stores. So I do not want to create a new app now and want to continue using RN v0.59 or above only.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

@AndrewBestbier would you be able to explain how to use this package?

@AndrewBestbier When can we expect the package to support the latest version of react-native?