
Not creating image for all instances

charterresources opened this issue · 7 comments

Thank you for your contribution @AndrewFarley
Everything works perfect without error but for some unknown reason it only creates images for 7 out of 19 instances.
All the instances have the tag "Backup" and retention tag with a value of "11"
When I run a test, it creates images of the same 7 instances over and over again. If I remove the tag "Backup" from these 7 instances, the test run will create 1 out of remaining 12 instances with the tag "Backup". If I remove the tag from this instance too, the test will create another one of the remaining 11 instances.
Please help.

Here is the Log output:

START RequestId: 7b1b6c6f-7307-11e8-a0a3-a5e096e1e21f Version: $LATEST
Scanning region: us-east-1
Scanning for instances with tags (backup,Backup)
Found 7 instances to backup...
Instance: i-#############
Name: @@@@@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-#####
Instance: i-#############
Name: @@@@@@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-#####
Instance: i-#############
Name: @@@@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-#####
Instance: i-#######
Name: @@@@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-######
Instance: i-#############
Name: @@@@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-######
Instance: i-###########
Name: @@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-#######
Instance: i-############
Name: @@@
Time: 11 days
AMI: ami-########
Scanning for AMIs with tags (CESRBackupInstanceRotater)
END RequestId: 7b1b6c6f-7307-11e8-a0a3-a5e096e1e21f
REPORT RequestId: 7b1b6c6f-7307-11e8-a0a3-a5e096e1e21f Duration: 3154.76 ms Billed Duration: 3200 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 46 MB

@charterresources I'm sorry to hear that, I'd love to help you solve it. Could you please run the following command for me...

AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag-key,Values=backup,Backup | grep InstanceId

This is the command-line equivalent of the command it is running above. Tell me if it shows a list of 7, or all your 19 images in that list. If it shows a list of full 19, could you remove the grep off the end, and mail me your output so I can fix it? farley at neonsurge dot com. If it only shows 7, then it must be something you're doing with the wrong tag key. Let me know!


Thank you @AndrewFarley for your response.
The command shows all 19 instances with and without grep.
Looking at the detailed list, I see that 13 instances have the exact same reservation IDs (they were all launched together).
So your lambda function takes images of all 6 instances with different reservation IDs plus 1 out of the 13 instances that have exact same reservation IDs.
hope that makes sense.

@charterresources That makes sense... I think I know how to fix it... give me a few hours and I'll try to kick out a fix for you. Cheers!

@charterresources Confirmed your problem and made a fix against a test environment, enjoy!

@charterresources Additionally, I saw you limited to a single region, I can make this a variable in Serverless... so you don't have to modify code. Any other requests? Cheers!

@AndrewFarley thank you Andrew. Works like a charm.
Found 19 instances to backup...
Variable for region would definitely be a plus for the function but not a priority I think.
One suggestion I would humbly have is to tag the snapshots using the tags of corresponding volumes.

Ooh @charterresources I'm tagging the snapshots with the tags from the instance, not what the volume had. Great point... :) I'll add two issues to adjust this you can follow them, I'll get around to them soon. Cheers!