How do you pass variables as kwargs to formset forms?
coler-j opened this issue · 13 comments
If I have a View like this:
class CreateListingView(NamedFormsetsMixin, CreateWithInlinesView):
model = MyModel
form_class = MyModelForm
inlines = [InlineFormsetInlineDerp1, InlineFormsetInlineDerp2]
inlines_names = ['derp1', 'derp2']
Is there a function on that view like this:
def get_formset_kwargs(...):
kwargs.update({'my_variable': some.variable})
So that in my FORM of the formset I can do this:
class Derp1Form(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.my_variable= kwargs.pop('my_variable', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
I have been hunting through this documentation and through the source, and haven't been able to do this yet, but this is a pretty common pattern. Almost thinking of going back to my FBV as I am wasting too much time on this library.
I feel kinda disgusted with this code, but I ended up doing the following to get the values I needed. Can someone please show me a better way?
In my form (within the formset) I only need the data for logic during POST / clean. This was only possible because the data that I needed was FROM the parent model instance:
class Derp1Form(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
post_data = kwargs.get('data', None)
self.my_variable = None
if post_data:
self.my_variable = post_data.get('main-form-prefix-my_variable', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Are you looking for Django's form_kwargs
option? You can provide it to django extra views via the formset_kwargs
dict, or via overriding the get_formset_kwargs
How would you do it with vanilla Django?
I meant how would you do it without Django extra views in the first place.
Since this library is mostly wrapping Django functions
@sdolemelipone maybe you understand better than me what's the question/problem here. I'm not sure what @coler-j is looking for.
Maybe you're looking for self.object
or self.object_list
which should be available in get_formset_kwargs
Hi @coler-j, there is a function as you suggested but it's on the InlineFormSetFactory and not the view, like so:
def get_formset_kwargs(self):
kwargs = super().get_formset_kwargs()
kwargs['form_kwargs'] = some.variable
return kwargs
Note that the parent model instance, view, view kwargs and request are all available as attributes of the InlineFormSetFactory
Thanks! @sdolemelipone that is what I was looking for!
Thanks for it @sdolemelipone. You have been saved me! ❤️