plugin works if opening a file from command line, doesn't work if opening a file from vim
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hi Andrew,
First of all, many thanks for your effort building and maintaining this project.
I've played a bit a few months ago and just came back to it and realized that is not working if I open a file from vim.
- I start vim in my terminal and open a file from vim using
:e /path/to/file
- this case Switch plugin won't work - eg. not changing 'foo' to 'bar', seemingly has no effect at all
- I start vim in my terminal passing /path/to/file as an argument
vim /path/to/file
- Switch plugin works as intended
I tried with this minimal 4 lines .vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'AndrewRadev/switch.vim'
call plug#end()
let b:switch_custom_definitions = [ ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] ]
vim: 8.0.494 compiled from source using ./configure --enable-python3interp=dynamic --enable-cscope --enable-rubyinterp --without-x --disable-gui && make && sudo make install
Switch: latest version ddc0697
I've found if I am using
let g:switch_custom_definitions
instead of
let b:switch_custom_definitions
in my .vimrc
then Switch works fine even if I open the file from vim.
I think I understand the problem. The custom definitions you've created with b:switch_custom_definitions
are buffer-local. That's what the b:
prefix means. You can find more information on the topic with :help b:
Basically, if you wanted to only define switches for a particular filetype, you would use the b:
variant. I guess I hadn't explained it well enough in the documentation, so I added some more information about it:
Lines 162 to 170 in f982683
Does this solve your issue?
Yes, that is perfect. Thanks a lot!