
Enhancing Gesture-Based Screen Controls

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Fermata has been renowned for its intuitive design and seamless user experience. However, to further elevate the user's interaction with the player, I propose the integration of enhanced gesture-based screen controls.

Feature Enhancements:

  1. Volume Control Integration:

    • Positioning volume control on the right side of the screen, users can swipe up to increase volume and down to decrease it, providing quick access without disrupting playback.
  2. Brightness Control Addition:

    • Incorporating brightness control on the left side of the screen allows users to adjust screen brightness effortlessly, enhancing viewing comfort during playback.
  3. Double Tap for Forward:

    • Implementing a double-tap gesture on the right center of the screen enables users to swiftly forward through tracks or video content, aligning with industry-standard functionality.
  4. Rewind Gesture:

    • Introducing a double-tap gesture on the left center of the screen empowers users to efficiently rewind content, maintaining coherence with typical media player behavior.


  • Improved Accessibility: Intuitive gestures make it easier for users to control volume, brightness, and playback functions, enhancing accessibility for all users.
  • Familiarity: By aligning with common media player gestures, users can seamlessly transition to Fermata without a learning curve.
  • Enhanced User Experience: These additions streamline the user experience, allowing for smoother and more efficient interaction with Fermata Media Player.
