
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File Theme from drawable resource ID #0x7f07001a

Tomblarom opened this issue · 10 comments

Can't use your library.. :(


I fixed it by changing compile 'com.github.AndroidDeveloperLB:MaterialPreferenceLibrary:2' to
compile 'com.github.AndroidDeveloperLB:MaterialPreferenceLibrary:1' !!!

MaterialPreferenceLibrary:2 is broken!!!

Fixed. Issue was this line in :


And the fix is this:


I have no idea how I didn't notice this issue. Probably some CTRL+Z that caused weird things right before I've published the version or something. Anyway, new version of the library (3) should now fix everything.

Weird thing is that for API 10 it didn't crash.

Please let me know if new version works fine for you.

Yeah it should have fixed it, but I can't update the library via gradle:

I only changed 2 to 3.

I've noticed now that there is an issue:
The recent release probably can't be used yet.

For now you can use this:
compile 'com.github.AndroidDeveloperLB:MaterialPreferenceLibrary:5d90c09f8d'
But I'm not sure about it. Maybe it has the sample within.

You might prefer to just import the module instead of using gradle for now. Sorry for all of this.

Try again now. They said someone (ahem) tried to get version 3 before it was released, so they've blocked it. :)

Awsome ;) I'm able to use it now!

Please let me know if you find any more issues. Also, you are welcomed to
try my other repos.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Tomblarom wrote:

Awsome ;) I'm able to use it now!

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#12 (comment)

Well thank you so much for your service! You're fast and you know how to do it! 👍 👍 :)

I hope I will always be able to fix this fast.

I really need help with much other things, would you like to help me? k.nikulski [ähht]